Rocket Ascents... Can divers breach like a fish (split from Accident in Mich)

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Rec Diver:
I wasn't aware that 73 feet was considered deep. I know a State Police recue diver that have shot up from 100 feet in 10 seconds with no ill affects. Her ascent was so fast that her fins cleared the water.
Are you claiming to have actually seen this occur or do you just "know" someone that claims this occurred?
Mods, why don't you give this thing a decent burial. I think our boy has humiliated himself enough
Rec Diver:
Matt, according to Albert Einstein...E=MCsquared. M being the mass and C being the velocity. Energy is what is required to move an object. Einstein also concluded that for every force in one direction there is also an equal force in the opposite direction. If you apply Einsteins theroy of relativity and Archamedes principle, thank you for correcting my spelling, I believe you will find that the water will actually help displace a diver, not hinder them

Einstein's equation that everyone knows and loves grew out of his theory of special relativity; what the equation actually means is that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable.

Sir Isaac Newton's Third Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Applying Einstein's theory of general relativity with Archimede's principle yields a diver contained in a wormhole displacing his/her/it's own mass at the event horizon of a black hole forever due to the relativistic effects.

Einstein's theories are used in cosmology, not vector analysis
Rec Diver:
Matt, according to Albert Einstein...E=MCsquared. M being the mass and C being the velocity. Energy is what is required to move an object. Einstein also concluded that for every force in one direction there is also an equal force in the opposite direction. If you apply Einsteins theroy of relativity and Archamedes principle, thank you for correcting my spelling, I believe you will find that the water will actually help displace a diver, not hinder them


It's more than your spelling that needs correction. I give up.
Rec Diver:
Matt, according to Albert Einstein...E=MCsquared. M being the mass and C being the velocity. Energy is what is required to move an object. Einstein also concluded that for every force in one direction there is also an equal force in the opposite direction. If you apply Einsteins theroy of relativity and Archamedes principle, thank you for correcting my spelling, I believe you will find that the water will actually help displace a diver, not hinder them
Einstein came up with equal and opposites? So much for Newton.

Quayle invented the internet too.

Folks, this is a troll or just a very ignorant person. Rec Diver, your choice.


But for my own entertainment, Let's say head to fintip someone's seven feet "tall" (this would be a person about 5'8" or so). So to clear the water they'll have to rise seven feet out of the water.

x = .5At**2, or 7 = (0.5)*(32)*t**2 or (2*7)/32=t*2 or t=0.66.

v = at or v = .66*32 or v = 21ft/second.

1 mph = 1.47 ft/second, so 21/1.47 = 14MPH to clear the water.

Not going to happen even if you ignore the drag to get 5 feet of diver out of the water without any lift, since after about 2' the BC and all the bouyancy is no longer helping to lift the diver.

c is the speed of light, not just any velocity. If you use this equation to say that an object with a mass of 50 kg moving at 5 m/s has an 'energy' of 1250 joules, you might as well be spitting on Einstein's grave while giving the rest of the physics world the finger.

This is ridiculous. I agree with wedivebc, close this absurd thread.

Albert Einsteins law of energy E=MCsquared. Meaning....Energy equals the mass of an object multiplied by the velocity the object is moving squared. Actually energy is in fact a combonation of speed and weight.

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity summation is E=mc2. Where E= energy, m=mass, and c= the speed of light, squared. The speed of light is a constant, 186,000 meters per second squared, not the velocity of an object....
Quayle invented the internet too
Gore invented the internet. Quayle taught Rec Diver how to spell.
Rec Diver:
I just love you guys. Now assuming that the velocity is constant, which we know it is not...water pressure reduces as we ascend...increasing the velocity

so ... and this lowers the drag how?
and (if the BC is already fully inflated) this increases the velocity how?
not to mention that to double your speed requires four times the energy ... and this comes from where ?

funny how some can think this is possable without a scooter that was made from a torpedo :11:


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