You certainly don't understand instructors if you think this is only about breaking rules to make some quick money. They just want a level playing field.there are always 2 sides of the story.
the other side is that when you make an agreement with someone, you stick with that agreement. You just don't break that agreement because you get an opportunity to make some quick money.
Unfortunately, the North Florida Distributor sees the South Florida Distributor, and others, up in his neck of the woods all the time. There are three Revos up in High Springs right now that he has nothing to do with. Is that breaking your rules too? Or is it only one way?
The real problem with the instructor policy is that it does not reflect reality. There are very few 'boundaries' where the internet is concerned. If I develop a strong relationship with an instructor up in New York area and want to learn from him in my back yard, then trying to prohibit that is bassackward. If I buy my rebreather from him, then that's where the sale happens. Where I do my training, like in sunny Key Largo, is after the fact. As a consumer, I would be all sorts of pissed off if I was told I had to train on the unit in New York due to some draconian rules based on the guy in South Florida feeling he lost a sale. If he had provided great service, he would have gotten the sale in the first place. I want to be able to choose my instructor without being restricted to a specific area to train in.
Paul, it's your business to run as you see fit. All we can do is discuss how that affects me as the consumer and the limitations it has on me becoming an instructor for the unit. I have been told that the same demands were made on two other rebreather manufacturers and they were all but laughed out of the booths at DEMA. We abhor protectionism and the elimination of competition in the market place. That this is a written policy for Revo makes it far less attractive to me. I had one of your competitors tell me that they applaud your decision to do business this way as you will have a much smaller impact on their business.