Reply from Viking re: Oriskany ripoff

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Ah, so taking a piece of metal off of a scrapped vessel is equal to murder on your moral ground? Interesting point of view. If that were my line and I did make it back, you might be in for an interesting ride home.

I'm not murdering anyone, I am just collecting a souvenir. And apparently you have the 'smilies' feature turned off or are unable to figure out that that winky smiley meant that the comment was supposed to be taken as something of a joke. But I expect no more from someone who would attempt to justify stripping a wreck meant to be enjoyed by all for their own selfish pleasure or gain.
JMAO, you may disagree if you like, but if I were to see divers entering wreck with obvious intent to 'salvage' something I might be inclined to 'salvage' that line I see that they left behind them entering as my 'souvenir' of the dive :wink:

Terrorism is a strategy of using the threat of violence to generate fear and cause disruption for the purpose of bringing about political, religious and ideological change. Terrorist attacks are designed to influence the broader society to which those killed, injured, or taken hostage belong.
Terrorism is a strategy of using the threat of violence to generate fear and cause disruption for the purpose of bringing about political, religious and ideological change. Terrorist attacks are designed to influence the broader society to which those killed, injured, or taken hostage belong.

another 'individual' with the smilies turned off or unable to comprehend there meaning. And as far as that goes, I could consider soggy's 'interesting ride' comment an implied 'terrorist' threat to my person.
One might even say, "Hilascinating?" Hmm??

Well, it all depends on what Hilascinating means.
Let's step back a bit. This was an artificial reef. A ship prepared for sinking by pulling off a good amount of material that went to recycling bins and dumpsters. Quite a bit of bare wires hang all over the place where "interesting" things were removed prior to sinking, for all different reasons.

Leaving aside the arguments about the legality of the action, let me ask one question. Does the fact that things were removed from the ship prior to sinking bother you? If not, then why does when it was removed get a burr under everyone's ***?

Seriously. Go dive the wreck. Look at all the gaping holes where gauges and other stuff were removed prior to sinking. Then come back and tell me that this is a big deal, that the dive sucked because there was 100,002 missing items instead of the 100,000 that were missing when she went down.
The Captain in question is like a deer caught in the headlights of an on-coming car. He doesn't quickly realize what is coming toward him. As a result, he freezes and does all of the wrong things.
He likes to brag on his Air Force and Spec Ops background. The Spec. Op. folks I've known over the years (especially the PJs) only rearely resemble a "deer caught in the headlights."
I'm not murdering anyone, I am just collecting a souvenir. And apparently you have the 'smilies' feature turned off or are unable to figure out that that winky smiley meant that the comment was supposed to be taken as something of a joke. But I expect no more from someone who would attempt to justify stripping a wreck meant to be enjoyed by all for their own selfish pleasure or gain.

I saw the smilies and I find most things in life funny...especially this thread (something about a mountain and a molehill?). That's just one of those things that anyone with any cave or wreck penetration experience doesn't find funny because there are people out there ignorant enough to do such a thing.
Seriously. Go dive the wreck. Look at all the gaping holes where gauges and other stuff was removed prior to sinking. Then come back and tell me that this is a big deal, that the dive sucked because there was 100,002 missing items instead of the 100,000 that was missing when she went down.
... and while you're down there, if you see something interesting .. grab a crowbar, rip it out, and take it home with you. After all, it doesn't belong to anybody and it's such a small part of the ship that nobody will really miss it.

This whole issue is so obviously resolved. All Mr. Sleppy has to do is allow all of us to come see the console in his living room ... :shakehead

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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