I too have tried to stay out of this train-wreck, but just cant stand it anymore.
I believe the rate of 'crime' on bonaire is far greater than that reported to the PD. We've been going since the early 90's. We follow the theft-avoidance practices. I know our truck has been tossed on many many of our dives. Usually nothing stolen, but somebody other than me and my family moving our stuff around. Granted, only in a few instances has anything been taken, and gas hose cut and gas siphoned once, but that doesn't mean a 'crime' wasn't committed - the act of searching thru my stuff was a crime - I just didn't report it. Make no mistake, it pixxes me off mightily, but I'm not going to stew over it - just get my beer-goggles on for the green flash.
I haven't hit the tipping point yet. Bonaire remains safer than many other places one might go to dive, in spite of the annoying dive-site thievery. As long as it is confined to tossing my stuff and taking my swoosh-logo'ed flipflops ($9.99 at academy) I'm not going to let it ruin my trips.
Right now the steps we take to mitigate risk are sufficient for us. But we all know that criminals almost never de-escalate without outside motivation. It is only a matter of time until the annoying vehicle-crime turns into potentially-violent crime.
The day the thief steps out of the bushes to relieve me of my wet $20 bills as I get out of the water (and every thief knows that every diver has $/credit cards somewhere on their person) is the day my Bonaire trips end. And I really really hate the thought of getting back on a dive boat.