Exactly. So why get all worked about it, and proposing new police?
No. Crime is not a function of police presence or deterrence. It is a function of the economic status and culture.
You contradict yourself. You say that police are a deterrent, but then that they don't prevent crime. A deterrent, by definition, prevents crime.
So which is it?
Your ideas will not not create a deterrent. It is far too easy to place a lookout in the road with a phone. There is limited access and a cop cannot deter if they don't patrol. But if they are limited in their patrol routes the deterrence effect is negligible. Bonaire's narrow single coastal road prevents any deterrent effect.
Trust me, I fought this same scenario for two years. It's tough to beat innocent spotters. And you can't use our spotter counter tactics to counter daytime petty crime.
It's not. Tourism continues to increase on Bonaire. The low crime rate does deter many people. Especially when compared to other place in the world.
Which means and we need more reports of crime and drama to keep it the ideal remote island.