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I'm not sure that the quoted TOS does not prohibit the use of the word Philippines as it does "involve" a nationality. Or am I missunderstanding what is written?
To be clear about this - and I realize that it is a little complicated - mentioning a country in general is not against the TOS. Neither for that matter is mentioning a nationality where it is simply a general part of the information being conveyed. For instance if two English divers are killed in an accident in the Philippines there is nothing wrong with identifying them as English or the country as the Philipinnes. However, if the inference is then drawn that they had bad training like other English people and all English divers were potentially dangerous divers this would be against the TOS as it's generalizing about a nationality and very probably not true either.

In the case in point. If it's a group of Korean divers who trashed the reef - exclusively Korean! - or if it's a Korean diveshop involved - who never have other customers than Korean people! - then you can say that. What you can't do is start saying things that could apply to ALL Korean divers, or ALL Korean dive shops regardless of whether they had anything to do with the bad behavior or not. Identifying accurately those responsible for a given action is completely different from making statements that group a bunch of folk together simply because of an ethnic/racial grouping and holding them ALL guilty by association. It is this kind of racial stereotyping that the TOS is trying to prevent.
Kim, is it possible to send me my posts of the "hey guys check this out..." thread?

I made some posisble solutions which I wanted some international and local comment on.
I will pm them to you. Give me some time to do it.
Thanks Kim. You're my hero. :)

@ Pao: Lazy ako!

in that case, how about my post preceding Chips' post right before the thread deliberation? with some editing ofcourse (feel free to edit it out that may cause division)
in that case, how about my post preceding Chips' post right before the thread deliberation? with some editing ofcourse (feel free to edit it out that may cause division)
Personally I don't think you want to revisit that particular post. Anyway I thought you had already regretted it in post#7 of this thread, or did I misunderstand?

The whole idea of what I am trying to do now is to restart a serious debate on a serious diving issue and leaving out the stuff that derailed it and has caused several threads to be pulled/edited or closed.
Warning: the following text are opinions of the author of the message, pure analysis of her personal experience.

about 30 out 30 of the "culturally Koreans" I happened to bumped with (literally) during rushed shopping at the grocery of SM Megamall did not really looked back to say..."ooops, excuse me, i'm sorry....". It was clear to me though that those 10 bumps were never intentional on their part. Then once, I tried intentionally bumping into an unsuspecting "culturally korean". She did not look back either, did not appear that she was waiting for me to apologize to her that i wasn't looking at where I was going creating that "bump". "Culturally Pinoys" would either look back to apologize or blame the bump on the other party. It made me think, perhaps those 11 "culturally koreans" we're not just as sensitive and considerate as I am.

Is 30 a good number enough to represent the whole of the Koreans? I am assuming it is (remember this is my own analysis) Now, is it sufficing to say that maybe, just maybe, Koreans, culturally or by nature, are not as sensitive as others of another culture. Could it be that those Korean divers were the same Koreans who bumped me at the grocers? Are there many sealife to care for in Korea? Maybe the curriculum of those particular Korean dive instructors are not geared towards diving with care for sealife. Then maybe, as there are Pinoy brats, maybe there are also Korean brats.

I say, "culturally", I also believe we are all earthlings of different cultures and that is because the world is big enough, there are plenty of rooms for all cultures.

Believe me, I've been doing my best not to sound racist as I am not. If ever though as I appear as such, forgive me, it is just because I cannot explain my thoughts well in English.

My two cents...
(Duck... stones are being thrown)
Identifying accurately those responsible for a given action is completely different from making statements that group a bunch of folk together simply because of an ethnic/racial grouping and holding them ALL guilty by association. It is this kind of racial stereotyping that the TOS is trying to prevent.

identifying the group correctly was exactly what the other PPD members were offering to search thru their dive networks and pinpoint the dive operator and dive guides of the group. It was clear to me that the original post was refering to the divers involved in the story and not their entire nation.

Some one just labeled it as some other meaning ... probably applied the rules of syllogism in the story with lack of intelligence;

there were bad divers on the reef (major premise)
the bad divers on the reef were koreans (minor premise)
therefore koreans are bad divers. (conclusion - however the proper conclusion would be :the korean divers on the reef were bad divers)

only radicals with no other thing to do would use such conclusion to attribute it to the entire nation given the stated premise.

I do believe majority of SBers are intelligent enough to discern the true intent of the story in question.

some one just branded it to be ......
Personally I don't think you want to revisit that particular post. Anyway I thought you had already regretted it in post#7 of this thread, or did I misunderstand?

The whole idea of what I am trying to do now is to restart a serious debate on a serious diving issue and leaving out the stuff that derailed it and has caused several threads to be pulled/edited or closed.

yeah let it stay there. sorry just was being carried away again by chip, it's the "barkada" thing. yes keep it there.

Warning: the following text are opinions of the author of the message, pure analysis of her personal experience.

keep it about scuba diving. under water, not topside topics.

identifying the group correctly was exactly what the other PPD members were offering to seach thru their dive networks and pinpoint the dive operator and dive guides of the group. It was clear to me that the original post was refering to the divers involved in the story and not their entire nation.

Some one just labeled it as some other meaning ... probably applied the rules of syllogism in the story with lack of intelligence;

there were bad divers on the reef (major premise)
the bad divers on the reef were koreans (minor premise)
therefore koreans are bad divers. (conclusion - however the proper conclusion would be :the korean divers on the reef were bad divers)

only radicals with no other thing to do would use such conclusion to attribute it to the entire nation given the stated premise.

I do believe majority of SBers are intelligent enough to discern the true intent of the story in question.

some one just branded it to be ......

So where does the posts about kimchi and Korean owned bars/clubs fit into this? If I didn't think that the original story was worth it I wouldn't be attempting to let it happen. It's just a pity if people can't stay focused enough to keep a serious discussion exactly that - serious. When the frivolity also begins to take on racial overtones it becomes unacceptable.

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