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yup, the case where the serious matter was sent to oblivion due to frivolous side comments.

now that is a clear example of a thread hi-jacked!!! :)
yup, the case where the serious matter was sent to oblivion due to frivolous side comments.

now that is a clear example of a thread hi-jacked!!! :)
A certain amount of generalization was also involved. Why don't we just try and see if without either the discussion stands more chance of success?
KIm - thanks for your input. IMO fair and balanced. May I suggest a new thread in the 'Basic Scuba Discussions' forum? The emphasis to be not so much on what people have observed, but more on what we can do about it.

My logic is that it's a more widely read forum, and we may be lucky enough to draw experience from others who have experienced similar situations elsewhere.

Furthermore, instead of yanking a thread in its entireity if any party goes far enough off-topic as to risk causing allegations of racism etc., that particular post is deleted and its writer warned by our ever-vigilant mods...

Seriously, I really hope that we can see some constructive suggestions to put pressure on the poorly run operations to improve, by cajoling or coercing I don't reall mind - opinions please?

Furthermore, instead of yanking a thread in its entireity if any party goes far enough off-topic as to risk causing allegations of racism etc., that particular post is deleted and its writer warned by our ever-vigilant mods...

Seriously, I really hope that we can see some constructive suggestions to put pressure on the poorly run operations to improve, by cajoling or coercing I don't reall mind - opinions please?


easy Larry, you are dragging the entire PPD with your statements..... here.

but don't worry PPD will back you all the way, so far the PPD has proved to be one solid group.

We might have another ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES here........ :D

only in the philipines have the MODs removed an entire CLUB !!!! hahahahahhaha :D
HAHAHA mere mortals! fear my wrath! I shall crush you as I would a bug!!

Your entire thread shall cease to exist, you SHALL CEASE TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!

Really it's all an act, I'm actually a Korean dive shop owner from PG;)
Racism is a serious issue but I think the destruction of reefs by careless divers is a more important issue that needs to be addressed. I guess the person who started the thread believed that posting his complaints on Scubaboard would help bring the problem to the attention of the worldwide diving community- especially the Korean and Filipino diving communities. He and the numerous others who immediately replied to the post weren’t out to vent our racist beliefs. We truly believed that SB could be an avenue for addressing the problem. If we were starting to sound racist then it is only because we felt very strongly about the topic and are passionate about protecting our reefs. After all, it is our reefs that are in peril. That said, I truly hope that the original thread could be revived in a more widely-read forum where it would catch the attention of the people directly concerned- the “Koreans who dive badly in the Philippines”, the dive operators and professionals in the Philippines, the dive instructors and certifying agencies in Korea who certified “the Koreans diving badly in the Philippines”. I would also want to hear their side of the issue (the diving issue, not the racism issue).

On the part of the PPD, maybe it is also our responsibility to ascertain if the allegations are true- that is, if there really is a predominance of destructive divers from a certain racial group. Maybe it’s just hearsay and we’ve blown it out of proportion. If it’s true- and if dive operators from other countries have also noticed the same, then we’ll have justification to notify or even investigate the “bad divers’” certifying agencies. If it is a cultural problem, then they’ll just have to adjust our underwater rules- since they are diving in our waters.

And we’ll just have to enforce our rules- against all destructive divers of any nationality. We pride ourselves for being hospitable and friendly but at some point, we just have to draw the line. As PPDivers, I think our primary responsibility is to protect our reefs.

(Btw, my buddy for my AOW course was Korean, and she was an excellent diver.)

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