I have no axe to grind. People bash China and the Chinese over product quality but the Chinese are largely contract manufacturers, they make what is contracted for. If Walmart wants to sell junk, then the Chinese will make it for them. If they want to sell quality then the Chinese will make a quality item.
In my particular experience DoD contracts for a quality product, paying the price commensurate with the expected quality. An extremely disproportionate number of items do not meet the requirements of the contracts, from either China or Turkey. China continues to have serious problems with violations of their own health and safety regulations, lax as they may be. How many recalls for toys painted with lead based paints can you recall. How about the tainted pet treats? What about the baby formula that killed hundreds? Looking from afar, many third world countries do not have a quality culture that can compare with the West. Most third world countries, especially those with strong economies have abysmal records on environmental issues also. From the bit I've learned, many of the wealthy in China have no consideration for their environment, people or government.
I would imagine it takes some hands-on management from a western manufacturer to ensure third world contractors conform to the required standards. cerich would have more personal knowledge than I.