Reg setup... 2nd stage + octo or 2x 2nd stages?

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So @kwinter, would it be overkill in your opinion if I had that as an extra? I'd still have the necklace and setup that tbone1004 suggested but that's just there in the unlikely situation that both 2nd stages decide to crap out...
Triple redundancy is not necessary. It is adding potential failure points to cover the unlikely situation of a double failure. But if you feel more comfortable with an extra backup, that's a fine alternative.

And guess what? I have some of those lying around too!

iPhone. iTypo. iApologize.
redundancy of second stages is not necessary except in ice diving. With the exception of freezing, first stages are far more prone to failure than second stages. The issue with the combo inflators is that they are both ****ty inflators and ****ty regulators. For Ken's application on a rebreather, he will essentially never orally inflate his bc because it requires coming off of the loop, but for open circuit diving, the last thing you want is to be trying to maintain buoyancy, while breathing off of your inflator, and then have to make an ascent using the Air2. They're also big, bulky, and require special hose connections *which on a CCR you will already have due to the high flow connections for ADV, BOV, etc, but will not have on normal OC regulator setups.

Given all of your various questions and comments, it would appear to me that your previous training has been lacking somewhat with the dive op that you have been using, which you also mentioned via PM and e-mail, and price of the courses was was your main driver to continue to use them.

May I suggest that you perhaps touch base with the following dive ops (in no particular order) for first hand advice on gear configuration etc

Glenn Campbell - Coastal Technical Divers
Paul Sant - Divers Down
Ken Atkinson - Pro Dive
Jason Socket - The Dive Centre
The combo octo/inflator is a great idea, until you have to use it. I was in a fairly good size Rescue class and a couple people had the combo units. When we actually did the air share skills, they realized how bad they were. Both people bought standard octos and inflators before the class was done.

Have it has additional redundancy just adds complication to your gear. A regular power inflator is simple and easy and cheap to service. The combo unit is complicated.
Thanks All!!

@Searcraigh, we chose them (my partner and I) not only because of the prices... That was a big factor that made me just go for it (since it was Ramadan also and time was abundant with shorter working hours here, that was the major reason we did it)

They weren't too bad, but I'm realizing what you're saying now. I'm already in contact with a great instructor and he's also realized what you're saying... Doing a couple of specialties with him (already gave him my word) then I'll hop onto your suggestions.

Another reason I'm looking for second hand Apeks (another thread) is also that I'm not very interested in giving that school/franchise any more of my money :wink:

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