Red Jetfins on The Life Aquatic

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I only saw it for the first time on cable this past sat. There was nothing else on TV (fingers to tired... remote to far away).... Anyway, its not too bad a flick. Once the show starts with a CRAYON Seahorse, you know it's gonna be one of those kind of flicks.

It's watchable... makes you sick in the tummy after, but its not the WORSE film in existance (the worst film in my view is eXistenZ).

Daniel f aleman - thanx for that tidbit... hmmm... yellow... yum... BUT it doesn't help me with my situation here.... have you got the ability to hook me up a pair good buddy? Mine's a size L
Pulp Fiction... excellent. Then again, my screen name is from Clockwork Orange.
it looked funny as hell in the previews a long time ago. I heard that you have to watch an old diving movie to get the plot.
Wayward Son:
It was so bad we ultimately didn't finish watching it. We kept waiting for it to get better -not good, mind you, just better- and that dragged out so long that my wife finally demanded that I eject it & I was more than willing. Prolly very little of it left but we just couldn't stand it any more.

Same here, I was expecting a much more slapstick form of humor based on the cast and some of the trailers I had seen. It always seemed right on the verge of being funny, but never quite making it.

However, for me,the worst movie ever title goes to Brazil. I tried to watch it 3 different times and could not force myself to finish it.
Pulp Fiction Rox!!!!! Tat said, I'm a fan Star Wars, Indy Jones, LOTR and anything TREK, so wat do I know.... for me, the best diving movie is The Abyss.

Still waiting for someone who can point me in the direction of scoring a pair of red, yellow or non-black Jets.....
I love most of the films that Terry Gilliam makes, Brazil is right up there. It was good for a week's worth of discussion in our little nerd group.
I didn't like it. The really dry magical reality stuff doesn't do it for me...

I don't think it was bad, though, it just wasn't a type of movie that I like at all. Other people that I know who like those kinds of movies really liked it.

This is different from Open Water which just universally sucked and had no value for anyone...
marine biologists think its the bomb. I'm incorporating into next year's lesson plans.:eyebrow:
Best. Movie. Ever.

I mean, what's not to love about jaguar sharks, claymation critters, a submarine, and Campari? Bowie tunes in Portugese? Did you guys get all of the Cousteau references? Here's one for you... Cousteau's ship was of course the Calypso. Harry Belafonte was a calypso singer, and there we have the name for Zissou's ship, the Belafonte.

Maybe I've spent too much time at marine labs or as a scientific diving intern, but some of the personalities portrayed in the film... they're not too far off.

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