Recent Widower traveling to Bali

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Reaction score
Simi Valley
# of dives
200 - 499
Hello! Just an intro- recent Widower (12/14/2023) that's decided to travel extensively solo. My first overseas trip is to Bali and plan on doing some diving there. I haven't dove with a tank since 1996 , but did extensive free diving until my daughter was 5. So, after a 25 year hiatus I'm signed up for a refresher and diving while there. Safety is paramount, especially now. Former LA County, NAUI, and PADI certs
I'm sorry for your loss. I think Bali's a great choice--it really feels like another world, both above and below the water. There's a lot of good advice on ScubaBoard about Bali diving, as you likely already know.
Thanks Morgan, actually I haven't searched Bali diving on the board just yet. I appreciate your response.

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