Are there 10 AA guidelines? I only count 5? Please refresh: Training, guideline, air, depth, lights. That is what I got.
When Sheck Exley wrote "
Basic Cave Diving -- A Blueprint for Survival", there were 10 accidents that were detailed and analyzed. Each fell under various topically areas that were later derived into "rules". I miss-stated when I said there were 10 distinct rules that are generally accepted, was thinking about the ten areas of analysis. This book was required reading for my course.
You are right, however, solo isn't specifically called out, but has only been debated as needing to be added... but Sheck, the analysis author, (with over 2000 pioneering cave dives to his credit) ended up dead during his solo depth attempt in a cave... yes there were others in the water, but they weren't together. Also, in the last couple of [?4] years, another highly respected cave diver with a multitude of cave dives, Steve Berman, passed away on a solo cave dive.
I don't know about you, but they are better cave divers than me. Also, I have a profound respect for the positive attributes of a good cave buddy team. There's no substitute for a good "back-up" brain, and the only way I've found to carry one is to bring a competent buddy along.

Lack of air is not the only dilemna one might face in a cave, so the buddy bottle is of "limited" value-add.
Not meaning to turn this into a debate... just trying to assess the viability a "future" buddy.