-109 Lever height revisited...
Its been a few days, and I was curious if there was a consensus on lever height issues.... In particular, does the center lever, which seems to be most common (and is the one I have), work properly when used with the S-wing poppet?
I just assembled mine (I decided to go with balanced, installed S-wing poppet, balance chamber new spring), but the lever height seems high.
I tuned to "just stop the leak", installed the cover..... then just like awap mentioned in one of the posts above, I needed to take about 2 full turns on the orifice to again barely "stop the leak".... this results in a cracking pressure a hair above 2.0", and while this is not terrible, it is not good, and I may not be getting full travel on the poppet.... subjectively, breathing performance "feels" like a low-end octo, not a well-tuned primary, so something is not right. While it may be a too-high lever, I want to redo it from scratch and see it there is something else I might have missed (I'm going to re-check the orifice surface for nicks).
Best wishes.
Its been a few days, and I was curious if there was a consensus on lever height issues.... In particular, does the center lever, which seems to be most common (and is the one I have), work properly when used with the S-wing poppet?
I just assembled mine (I decided to go with balanced, installed S-wing poppet, balance chamber new spring), but the lever height seems high.
I tuned to "just stop the leak", installed the cover..... then just like awap mentioned in one of the posts above, I needed to take about 2 full turns on the orifice to again barely "stop the leak".... this results in a cracking pressure a hair above 2.0", and while this is not terrible, it is not good, and I may not be getting full travel on the poppet.... subjectively, breathing performance "feels" like a low-end octo, not a well-tuned primary, so something is not right. While it may be a too-high lever, I want to redo it from scratch and see it there is something else I might have missed (I'm going to re-check the orifice surface for nicks).
Best wishes.