I suspect that the feet may not sit perpendicular to the axis of the poppet when the reg is properly tuned. How about I bring an extra 109 with a left and middle lever and you bring your right lever and we'll have something to do during the SI on Thursday.
I'm going to take apart my G200B, which is the most recent barrel poppet reg I have, and see what the lever looks like. It definitely sits lower than than the b/a I just rebuilt, which makes me suspect that the steeper angle, big feet lever is newer, not older. (Steeper angle results in lower height)
There is no way that the feet can be sitting perpendicular to the poppet, flat against the wings, while the reg is tuned, you're right on that one. However, if you leave the orifice loose or out, install the poppet/spring balance chamber, the lever feet will be perpendicular and the lever will be really high. As you mentioned before, you have to adjust the orifice to really drop the lever to keep it from free-flowing with the diaphragm in place. At first I was thinking that possibly the wings on the older poppets might not be exactly vertical, which would allow them to match up with the 30o angled feet. But the blue poppet that came out of the b/a does have vertical feet.
If you were a bit insane you could try grinding the wings on the plastic poppet to change the angle, rather than bending the lever.
I always thought that the incompatibility had to do with the shape of the feet, not the angle relative to the lever.
The b/a seems to breathe okay; I guess I can put a mouthpiece on it and bring it on Thursday.
Edit: I took apart the G200B, same lever as in the balanced/adjustable, it's the middle lever in Couv's photo.