Questions about Fantasy Island

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They have YUMMY coffee! But I have to warn is Honduran coffee. It is very rich and strong - not what you're used to. I love it, but one cup is plenty for me - and I usually dring 2 or 3 cups of good strong Cajun Coffee every morning :D

If you are picky about your coffee, you might want to consider bringing your own :wink:

We are going to bring our own creamers this time. I'm not sure but the local cream may have the same contributing effects as the local water.

I believe it's like the Eur-Asian open sign up system? Dunno- I just posted this because it seemed to add a little visual aid.
How do they schedule the boat dives? Do they post the dive sites ahead of time so you can plan which ones you want to do?
The few times I've been there were with different groups and we pretty much stayed on the same boat all week. That seems to be the norm along with tipping the DM & Skipper at the end of the week. The boat crew is committed to making sure you have a good visit and I can see problems with switching boats.

On last February's trip, we had a few on our boat who were not in our group as we had plenty of room and they needed to be assigned. Nice folks. And I suppose you can change boats if needed for some reason. I never worried much about which sites we were going to do from one day to the next as they were all pretty neat, but if you have special requests - they are there to please. Talk to the skipper and the dock manager. There is one site I will not dive but I think maybe they have quit going there anyway.

About tipping: When other DMs or dock persons helped me with significant gear assistance, I tipped them on the spot. I tipped the room maid daily as we didn't always have the same one I don't think, and I can understand reasons for that. One of the guys in my group suggested tipping the waiters at the end, but they varied too and I think a little each meal is best.
We are going to bring our own creamers this time. I'm not sure but the local cream may have the same contributing effects as the local water.

Oh yeah...I forgot to mention that. That's a good thing to do. I pack my little box of CoffeeMate French Vanilla creamers to enjoy with my coffee on the balcony each morning :D
How do they schedule the boat dives? Do they post the dive sites ahead of time so you can plan which ones you want to do?

Well, this depends on a few things. The south side of Roatan gets nice cooling trade winds, and at times the seas can get kicked up a bit. The dive sites are usually chosen in the morning when the divemasters know what conditions to expect. This allows them to choose sites which might be better suited to the weather conditions.

Also, divers are allowed to request specific sites and if it fits with the game plan they are happy to accomodate those requests.

The dives for the day are posted on the board RoatanMan kindly posted the picture of, so you can check them out and decide what you want to do for the day :cool2:
Reading throught some other threads, some have reported problems with TSA carrying on regs, computers, and dive lights in carry-on luggage. Anybody have this issue traveling to/from Roatan?


I travel with my regulator bag (reg and computer inside) slung over my shoulder and have never had an issue with TSA...except they're jealous I'm going diving :D They do make me take the computer out during screening...

If you are carrying on a dive light, make sure you take out the batteries. I don't really feel the need to put my dive light in my carry-on though :confused:

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