Question for the she-p users...

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If you are done diving, and want to hang out with your buddies for a dive briefing which may include food and beverages, is it uncomfortable to sit on if you are on a hard chair? One poster did say it was comfortable to wear, but I can't imagine excusing myself for awhile to try to remove it in a public restroom.


I have done both, removed it at the site (sans a shower) before heading for drinks and food with buddies, and have kept it on until I could get back to hotel or home to remove She-P in the shower. I prefer the latter and was comfortable wearing it post-dive dining/debriefing.

When I removed it at the site where there was only a toilet and sink available, it was painful and left a lot of adhesive on the undies. Whereas when I removed it in the comforts of my home or hotel in the shower, it was easier and cleaner.

Funny story, when I left the She-P on and went to dinner, I realized when I had to pee, it was odd to stand in a ladies rest room stall to pee. I know the ladies in the adjourning stalls were wondering or confused why my feet were pointing toward the toilet rather than away from the toilet.
Funny story, when I left the She-P on and went to dinner, I realized when I had to pee, it was odd to stand in a ladies rest room stall to pee. I know the ladies in the adjourning stalls were wondering or confused why my feet were pointing toward the toilet rather than away from the toilet.

Very funny, ...I have seen the display pix showing the ladies peeing off the end of the dock!! Oh what liberating power!!! Thanks for your input!!!

---------- Post Merged at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:16 PM ----------

A few last questions: how do you configure the hose coming out from underneath the layers of clothing? It appears to run up the front and then over the top of the waistband. The tube leading out to the Halcyon valve must not be an issue with respect to pinching and restricting or blocking the flow, so is it a rigid tube? I see it coming out of the top of my 1st layer undergarment elastic waistband, then my drysuit undergarment which has a two way zipper. Has anyone cut a tiny hole in their undergarments to allow the hose to run down the front of the body?

---------- Post Merged at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:16 PM ----------

it's comfy if you have a comfy amount of air in it. too much & you're sitting on a balloon and likely to blow it off you, and too little and it pinches.

Do you express some of the air out of it by removing the end cap and then replacing the cap when it feels comfortable?
The tubing on the p-valve is flexible enough to come up to your waistband, and then make the turn to go downward to connect to the She-P. It's not a problem.

All of the undergarments I've had have either been two-piece, or have had a zipper that can be unzipped a bit from the bottom, or have (like the Thermal Fusion I'm using now) a slit to allow the tube to go through.

I've never done anything specific to change the volume of the She-P for post-dive wearing. I just go to the bathroom, drain the urine out of it, and cap it. It's comfortable enough to go to dinner in, although I prefer to remove it when I can -- but I've lost one that way by leaving it in the restroom, and that's an expensive error, so a lot of the time I just wear it. No big deal. It does minimize the adhesive on the underwear, but no matter what, I seem to get some on the fabric anyway, so I have dedicated She-P panties and just shrug. :)
Do you express some of the air out of it by removing the end cap and then replacing the cap when it feels comfortable?

ooh, lynne, i didn't realize you'd done that. eek!

and sam, i usually have to go pee between putting it on & going to the dive site, so i'm used to peeing standing up. i can even do #2 with it on, which can be a performance...but it is possible!
Thankyou ladies, I sure do appreciate the info!! I'm so tired of not feeling hydrated well enough for one dive a day, let alone when it comes to two or more! I really want to hydrate well, & ensure my bladder is empty, however u just know your going to get that feeling once u don your last piece of gear!! :splat:
and sam, i usually have to go pee between putting it on & going to the dive site, so i'm used to peeing standing up.

I've peed standing up with the She-P while on the docks, off the back of a boat, on the shore, and in the woods. It was odd standing in a public bathroom stall while others in the adjourning stalls were not standing.
I've peed standing up with the She-P while on the docks, off the back of a boat, on the shore, and in the woods. It was odd standing in a public bathroom stall while others in the adjourning stalls were not standing.

SUCCESS! In more ways than one. First, this time the Devils Ear did NOT beat me until I cried. Second, although my blue sparkly She-p was slightly uncomfortable (gotta get used to it) during the setup and dive, I peed in my drysuit. :) No leaks, went slow, stayed horizontal and relaxed at end of dive before attempting to climb the steps out. YES! DRY! And no drysuit leaks.

What worked? (Sharing for the collective learning experience)
1-generous layer of urobond the night before
2-another layer of urobond, let it set for 5 mins
3-pre-wash with damp wash cloth
4-squat, spread all the skin tissues
5-attach she-p from back forward
6-2thongs, one on either side
7-boyshorts panties (with backup poise pad)
8-pee slowly
9-keep reservoir horizontal and weenie pointing down as much as possible (especially on land). Not sure if I will ever be able to pee like a man and write my name in the slow. :eek:

Tomorrow is another day. We shall see if my luck holds out.

Happy Diving!
Yay on the She-P and on Devil's...both are quite an accomplishment

Isn't it the absolute best when there is no leakage!?!?!? LOVE my She-P!!
Isn't it the absolute best when there is no leakage!?!?!? LOVE my She-P!!

If only..sigh. Day 2, the Ear x 2, I peed, the she-p did not :mad:

No pad, blow out. 1 tube got disconnected, 2 did not seal in the front completly. ?..shaking my head.
This morning I was still sticky and I got it on slightly askew. Mistake was not taking the time to remove & reposition the copius amounts of glue.
Tomorrow, day 3, still hopeful but back to backup.

So how DO you get all the glue off of your skin? Still annoying stickiness after baby oil, lots of soap and water, even a bit of rubbing alcohol (not so much fun).

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