Question for the she-p users...

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I use baby oil to remove the glue (a little baby oil, a little scrubbing with a loofa, a little more baby oil, etc). If I'm going to use it again the next day, I follow it up with a non-moisturizing soap post-baby oil. I also don't remove the glue from the device if I'm just going to use it again the next day (guess I'm just gross like that :wink:).

I've had good luck with this routine.
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hey, sam, how's the pee-ing working now? you going when you need to go?
Hi, Marci. My bladder is no longer shy. It was a mental thing, or more correctly, I was mental or as some who know me will verify I am mental. :D

Recommendations to relax, close my eyes, hold on to something, stop finning, and not forcing the "act" of peeing helped tremendously. Now a days, I don't have to close my eyes or hold on to any thing.

I want to graduate to peeing during a dive while finning not just before a dive or after a dive.

LOVE my She-P.
yay! i'm thrilled for you! spread the gospel, sister! :banana:
I've found that it's quite difficult to initiate a stream while finning, but if I pause for a moment and get started, I can start kicking against without problems.
Strongly considering a venture into the She-P world. One question though, has anyone had any adverse reactions to the adhesive? And if so, was one brand easier than another?
Strongly considering a venture into the She-P world. One question though, has anyone had any adverse reactions to the adhesive? And if so, was one brand easier than another?

I have pretty sensitive skin and have not had problems with the Urobond IV.

What a love/hate relationship I have with the she-p. Can't live without it, wouldn't give it up for anything... but it is my least favorite thing about diving. I'd rather walk dbl 104's from the parking lot at Manatee to Catfish Hotel - and back - than deal with it - but what else do you do?!?!? :idk: (can you tell I've had a couple of failures recently? :shakehead: )
I get mad at my failures, too, but just as with diving, I can almost always blame them on something I already knew I should do differently.

For those of you that leave two-three days of glue on the device . . . how do you clean it? If you pour alcohol on it, does it damage the glue?


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