On high-priced consumer goods? Not even close.
On $20 items in a specialty shop? It might be 400%!
It all depends on what it is.
A healthy markup is not unreasonable IF you get service before and after the sale. A "dive shop" that sells dry suits with no rentals in the building and no stock, and thus can provide ZERO before the sale service or validation of sizing is not providing ANYTHING for their margin, and should get MAYBE $20 over cost, as all they're doing is handling money.
Note Arnaud that the situation you posit has the retailer actually STOCKING anywhere from a couple to a couple HUNDRED of the item in the building, where you can buy it RIGHT NOW and take it home, not to mention checking it out on the spot.
What is being described here is a "retailer" who is nothing more than an internet order-taker, but trying to get a full retail mark-up while carrying NO inventory, taking NO risk, and providing NO service.
THIS is why the price controls are so perverse in this business.
They enable THIS kind of pure thievery and give the "dealer" something to hide behind when challenged.
Note that I just bought a DUI drysuit. From a LDS. Diver's Den in Dothan, Alabama, to be exact. They had stock sizes (rentals) IN THE BUILDING and allowed me to play with them in their pool to satisfy myself that the fit was correct BEFORE I plunked down my money. I brought my tanks, regs and other kit, put it all on, and jumped in and convinced myself that the fit was correct and the suit was what I wanted to buy. They "invested" a couple of hours of time with me insuring that I would be happy with the fit, form and function of the suit, and were rewarded with a sale.
I have no problem with a retailer making a fair profit, but by God, I want service to go with it. If there is no service that they can reasonable provide a value-add on, then they are just an order taker and the best price and fastest delivery wins.
Contrary to popular belief I have no problem with local dive shops in general. I have a major problem with shops that think they can play glorified order taker, take no risk, carry no stock, provide no service and yet sell at a price-controlled figure and hide behind their "agreements."
Uh, no. If that's what I'm going to deal with then I'll buy from Leisurepro - and do!
Diving Concepts appears to make a very nice suit. However, I could not find ANYONE in Florida that stocked or rented them, despite them giving me the names of 4 shops that allegedly were "dealers." All were happy to take money and order one for me - which isn't my idea of customer service and I'm sure as hell not going to pay that kind of money sight unseen.