The first time I was caught in the River, my buddy and I got completely disoriented, and ended up surfacing on the wrong side of the fishing pier, after a half hour or so of fighting against it. The second time was far worse; we had a team of three really experienced and competent folks, and we ended up using our hands as blades into the silty bottom and pulling our way upslope until we could surface, where we found rough water and strong surface current, and Peter and I ended up bailing and going around the other side of Salty's to get out.
This site is a training site. It has a lot of "features" which are basically garbage, ranging from streetlight reflectors to small boats, to a porch swing and an old Volkswagen. We call such sites "mudholes" because they aren't particularly pretty, they aren't colorful, and they're silty. Nonetheless, this particular site can be a fabulous place to find a wide variety of marine animals, especially at night. It's a fun place to dive, and under most conditions quite benign. However, certain tides and certain weather conditions can render it quite challenging, and if you don't know that, you can get an unpleasant surprise. The first time I got caught in it, I wasn't happy at all.