Port closure

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Bureaucrats also appoint bureaocrats to positions to handle that business so they don't have to. Whatever bureaucrat appointed her doesn't want to be hearing about Cozumel crap all the time. But what really matters is the money. Get to the people collecting the money from the island and let them know they will be collecting less if all these tourist water-based activities are unnecessarily closed. And that includes the cruise ships as their snorkeling and sailing excursions are also affected. Their ears won't be deaf when a Carnival exec counts the beans and calls to question why the port is closed so often resulting in shore excursion revenue down 20% over this time last year.
Well, if you've got the solution, spearhead it yourself and make it happen; I won't stand in your way. Posting what "we oughta do" on an internet forum doesn't accomplish anything.
Travel when you can. Make the best of your situation. Be grateful. Have fun!

I was just there for 22 days. Of the 20 days I wasn’t traveling, the port was closed for 7. On one day I worked on skills in a pool. One day I went to the east side. On four days I did shore dives totaling 11 hours. On one day I visited with friends. In total I did 30 dives with 39 hours of bottom time not counting the pool work. It was the best trip of all time.

The holidays are the most busy time of the year and also the most likely to have nortes. If fewer people come during that time because of port closings then that is fine for me but it really shouldn’t be a limit to fun. Expectations can limit our ability to be joyful.
I only had 5 dive days allotted and was skunked out of three. For two days, I went over to Playa and dove cenotes which I loved. So I made the best of the situation.
But I don't think 7 dives gave me a enough of a taste of Cozumel diving.
On four days I did shore dives totaling 11 hours.
I didn't think that was allowed during port closures? That's what I told this guy...
Some of the reefs are not far from shore. If the port is closed (but the water is flat), is it legal to take DPVs out from shore?
No. It's not even legal to swim, at least outside of roped areas.
Ok, so you carefully got away with illegal dives, and my reply to the other fellow was correct. Okee dokee.
When the port is closed, anyone renting tanks for shore dives can risk very hefty fines.
When the port is closed
Some on FB were discussing closures, and one mentioned the notice on your site saying it's closed. I guess that is an out of date notice left up?

Monday & Tuesday look bad.
Some on FB were discussing closures, and one mentioned the notice on your site saying it's closed. I guess that is an out of date notice left up?

Monday & Tuesday look bad.
Next Monday is a maybe and Tuesday looks like a no go and Wednesday is a maybe. That's okay I already have 10 dives in.
Some on FB were discussing closures, and one mentioned the notice on your site saying it's closed. I guess that is an out of date notice left up?

Monday & Tuesday look bad.
Christi had stated on Facebook and on here, as well as the disclaimer on her site, that it is not meant to be a real time update and it is done as a courtesy.
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