Please get in shape!

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"What does matter is that you treat everyone as human being regardless of what we look like. "

apart from ugly people right? i mean...thats grim.

The point is that for many of us there is a happy medium between being fat and having ripped abs.

I, for one, can think of a thousand places I'd rather spend all my spare time than hanging around with other sweaty men in a gym. YMMV.

Yeah...I can hear that, but aren't there fewer health concerns?
The thread seems to be going from the ability to handle physical exertion to perception of beauty. Visit an aerobics class and watch the plus sizes run for an hour. The standards of beauty have changed, if you look at photos of WWII pinups you may notice that they would wear a larger dress size than the actresses of today.
Human beings are designed eminently well to store fat. That is why in times of plenty we do so, thus leading to what people may find unsightly. Look at the paintings of Rubens to see the standard of beauty that existed not so long ago. Well upholstered men and women were better able to survive possible famine. Only the wealthy were "fat" as they were the only ones who could afford food up until modern times. Those who were not able to store fat through lean times starved to death, thus increasing the genetic potential for the ability to store fat as a survival characteristic.
The people who live off the land, whether in the Amazon, or in Africa, or anywhere else in the world live at a substinence level and are unable to achieve a caloric intake that would allow them to store fat.
The subject of physical fitness versus appearance is an individual one, best left to one's personal physician who is best able to render an opinion based upon individuated observation and testing to determine if one is in or out of shape.
As many have noted in earlier posts it is possible to appear overweight and yet be capable of physical exertion. Vassily Alexiev was considered the strongest man in the world for quite some time based upon Olympic performance, yet appeared to be obese. It is also possible to be lean and unable to climb a flight of stairs without being winded.
I learned a personal lesson in appearance versus fitness when, after an injury, I decided to attend an aerobics class, believing that a fit weightlifting guy like myself, would leave the size 20 women in the dust. They kicked my butt! Fat does not always mean unfit.
"I, for one, can think of a thousand places I'd rather spend all my spare time than hanging around with other sweaty men in a gym. "

thats an interesting are dead right about happy mediums. But the idea that getting in shape is a hassle is nonsense and more often used as an excuse.

I have just got back from a quick workout, the gym was full of sweaty (fit) women and i spent 25 mins watching MTV.........hardly a big deal and i cant think of much that it stopped me doing today (despite having thousands of things to do!)
"I, for one, can think of a thousand places I'd rather spend all my spare time than hanging around with other sweaty men in a gym. "

thats an interesting are dead right about happy mediums. But the idea that getting in shape is a hassle is nonsense and more often used as an excuse.

I have just got back from a quick workout, the gym was full of sweaty (fit) women and i spent 25 mins watching MTV.........hardly a big deal and i cant think of much that it stopped me doing today (despite having thousands of things to do!)

I've started going to the gym b/c it relaxes me....for some wierd reason, and as a benefit, I'm able to run 3 miles in less than 30mins, and gain some upper body strenght! I couldn't be happy overweight...There are too many cute outfits out there!
when someone with "babe" in their name supports you you're on a winner :wink:
when someone with "babe" in their name supports you you're on a winner :wink:

hahah, not unless I'm right...
i agree....i didn't mean the USA as in "only the USA"........its just that the posters on here are from there. In reality its the whole of the western world.

Then you should say so. You made an implication about an entire country.

"many of our population are of different ethnic backgrounds have a different standard of body shape "

but be real about it...what ethnic background is fat? Most fat people are fat because they eat more than they really is as simple as that.

You be real about it. It is not as simple as that. In some cases, there are populations who are 1-2 generations away from being agricultural workers and are still eating like them thanks to their upbringing on fried chicken and biscuits. When you chop cotton all day, you need 4000 calories; when you sit a computer, you don't. Some cultures here think being thin is unhealthy. "Meat on your bones" is preferrable to thin.

Native Americans have huge problems with obesity that is genetic. Their fat storing genes work overtime apparently.

"racist "

is "fat" a race? from the planet Chunky? :D

Some cultures consider being plump a "good" thing. Some studies suggest that 70% of African American women are overweight. Why do you think that is?


Yep...i suppose so. But i have made it clear that each to their own. If someone is happy with their belly then i doubt knowing that Tiggs in the UK thinks its grim will stop them eating! If they are bothered by it then i hope they read this and get motivated to lug themsleves into a gym (or at least away from the fridge)

Do you know how many people have treadmills in their homes who never look at them except to occasionally dust them? Do you think anyone fussing at people to lose weight will make any difference whatsoever? Don't you think that everyone has gotten the message from their doctors, their schools, and the telly that they need to lose weight? A lot of Americans (including minorities) have TVs in practically every room of the house and can't miss the message.

"the fat storing gene has become a problem."

the fat storing gene is fine. its the fat eating desire that is a problem. The gene is only an issue to those that overeat the wrong food and thats self control for most people.......not easy but possible.

Bottom line is if you are happy with your weight then good for you but be happy with it accepting that it is a deviation from the way nature intended - not bad, but be aware all the same. in otherwords dont kid yourself...if you are truely content great (better that than sad and skinny!)

We don't need such efficient fat storing so it is a problem. If it can be solved, I'm sure it will because there is an enormous amount of money to be made in it. I personally do not have a weight problem. I have a treadmill and a circuit trainer and I use them. The only reason I made a comment was in response to your categorizing Americans as having an undesirable shape and your lecturing people.
just read the link you provided......interesting summary at the bottom of it which suggested the health issues of ethnic minorites where not physilogical but social and econmoical. if the bottom line is its people with poor education and low income that are unable to get (or dont know how to get) good food and exercise then all the more reason why someone without those factors should be able to avoid the problems.

interesting link.


It's more a social preference. Of course they know how to get good food. They get it many times a day. They don't want to exercise because a lot of people think they get exercise at work and they are tired after work, particularly after cooking a large meal for their kids. Of course they have the information; they hear it on the radio on the way to Taco Bell. Eating is a pleasure for many people. I work with what some would consider low income people in my place of employment and they go out 3 times a day (2 breaks and one lunch) and bring back food. Some of them eat what I would consider 3 meals just at work. They get together and really enjoy eating and socializing. They also drink a lot of 20 ounce soft drinks instead of sugar-free drinks. And they're not stupid and not poor by any world standard. They are happy with themselves and their sizes.

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