Photo Gallery Issues...

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There was nothing to figure out. It just wouldn't work and was a complete waste of time. With several more tries at a later date I uploaded several photos but I probably won't go through that hassle again.
Yeah, I since learned about issues. See SB Gallery & I are having serious issues - sorry no one replied to you sooner.
Flash drives are available larger than my laptops original hard drives - up to 64 Gb anyway: USB Flash Drive, USB Pen Drive,USB Flash Thumb Drives,Jump Drives

I replaced the HDs in both laptops. Easy to do myself with tiny screwdriver and illustrated instructions from manufactures web site. I never trust a computer to store documents tho. Computers are for processing but all fail and lose docs; back up weekly to External Hard Drive.

Was looking at my flash drives earlier, thinking about using that for the Reef Fish book, but the program is 2.75GB and my flash drives are 2GB and, sit down...64mb! My son and I were talking about replacing his external HD and adding one to my computer. Mine has 2 internal HD's, but an external one owould be a great idea that still has not moved up to the top of that list I keep mentioning (but it's getting closer to the top daily!)

Did that mess up your buoyancy...? :silly:

Ya, you bet it did! Stunned disbelief and suddenly trying to kick myself in the head does wonders for buoyancy!:dork2:

Have gotten Outlook Express back to only frustratingly slow, so am playing again with sending myself the 3 test photos as email. After a long break the outlook package arrived in my regular email account so that seems to work. Now to post a couple pics to the board again and see if I'm getting anywhere.
Was looking at my flash drives earlier, thinking about using that for the Reef Fish book, but the program is 2.75GB and my flash drives are 2GB and, sit down...64mb!
So is it a program that runs, or a file that you look & search? I don't know how well a program might run from a Flash Drive, but for a file - sure...

4 Gb Flash Drive $9 delivered <click and pay; no hassle.

8 Gb FD $16.50

16 to 64 Gb from $32 up

But how large is your puter's HD? Maybe you should replace it instead - easy and cheaper than ever now. I like Western Digital for any internal or external HDs.

IMNSHO, I think that every puter should have a respective Ext-HD several times larger than the HD. I copy all of my docs to my Ext-HD ever week or two, to a folder named for the date. As I get a large number of similar folders on my Ext HD, I delete some, but actually keep a few with dates increasingly spredd out in case I want to search for something from Feb 2007 that I deleted in Feb 2008 for example.

My son and I were talking about replacing his external HD and adding one to my computer. Mine has 2 internal HD's, but an external one owould be a great idea that still has not moved up to the top of that list I keep mentioning (but it's getting closer to the top daily!)
Lavasoft, one of the industry leaders in spy/adware protection since they helped invent that, including the free Ad-Aware many of us rely on, recently released the 2009 ten year "Anniversary Edition." I joined that support forum about some problems, then was the first to report on how a Jan 29 update glitch killed my computer. All programs, accessories, docs - gone. Couldn't even do System Restore without finding the Safe Mode Command code after searching the net on my other computer, and the docs were history - all of them. I restored from my Ext-HD, but I have been appalled at how many had no doc backups yet restored their systems or let "professionals" reload their systems - totally wiping out the docs.

Western Digital 1TB External Hard Drive : $100 (approximate 1,000 Gb as they round up)

Copying all Documents to Ext HD while you sleep: Pennies a week.

Not loosing priceless pics of your grandkids birthday party years ago, your now deceased parents, your first dive trips, now deceased dive buddies, etc: Priceless!
Have gotten Outlook Express back to only frustratingly slow, so am playing again with sending myself the 3 test photos as email. After a long break the outlook package arrived in my regular email account so that seems to work. Now to post a couple pics to the board again and see if I'm getting anywhere.
Never tried Outlook Express; never heard anything good about it. I use AOL for email and some other functions in part because my IP# cannot be traced. But I think you can change the email service. The program probly read your computer for your default email service and matched that up. Who do you want to use for email?

BTW, if your email service will not handle 16 Mb attachments, change. I can't believe that some are still on antiquated 10 Mb limits.

Edit: Ok, found where you can change that, and you do only have 3 choices. go to Edit, then Preferences, then select.....


I also see there how to use the program to size a pic then save to your Hard Drive. If you select the bottom choice, then try to email it under File, it'll safe the pic to the Adobe album on your My Pictures. :hmmm:
Thanks again.

"Reef Fish...." is a program that allows interactive research, and is listed in Add or Remove Programs as 2.75GB. On my desktop with 40GB, the program is really no hassle, but I'd love to find a way to get it off the HD on my laptop, but still be able to use it on that l.t. when I'm dive traveling (without having to lug one more piece of equipment onto the plane; just got my dive gear to one bag, exactly 50.0 lb, plus backbuster carry-on/backpack)! Hence my thinking larger Flash drive, maybe, but don't yet know if a program can be run from Flash Drive. More research to be done yet.

I think that your using Elements PS, while I am using PS3.2 starter makes all the difference. In the PS starter edition when I go to 'preferences' and click 'email', the 'send e-mail as:' window remains shaded and only Outlook is available. I did get Outlook to function eventually last evening, although I would much prefer to use my Hotmail and Firefox. Just re read your last post and have some more ideas to play with, maybe later this evening.

'Course when I went to upload photos again to SB later it still was kicking my but with error code and "she-no-post" results, even one photo at a time for me last night.
But I was tired and my son (home from school all this week) slowed my entire network to a practical standstill yesterday by overrunning contractual limits on my satellite service with his day long downloads, so I quit early.
IMNSHO, I think that every puter should have a respective Ext-HD several times larger than the HD. I copy all of my docs to my Ext-HD ever week or two, to a folder named for the date. As I get a large number of similar folders on my Ext HD, I delete some, but actually keep a few with dates increasingly spredd out in case I want to search for something from Feb 2007 that I deleted in Feb 2008 for example.

Lavasoft, one of the industry leaders in spy/adware protection since they helped invent that, including the free Ad-Aware many of us rely on, recently released the 2009 ten year "Anniversary Edition." I joined that support forum about some problems, then was the first to report on how a Jan 29 update glitch killed my computer. All programs, accessories, docs - gone. Couldn't even do System Restore without finding the Safe Mode Command code after searching the net on my other computer, and the docs were history - all of them. I restored from my Ext-HD, but I have been appalled at how many had no doc backups yet restored their systems or let "professionals" reload their systems - totally wiping out the docs.

Western Digital 1TB External Hard Drive : $100 (approximate 1,000 Gb as they round up)

Copying all Documents to Ext HD while you sleep: Pennies a week.

Not loosing priceless pics of your grandkids birthday party years ago, your now deceased parents, your first dive trips, now deceased dive buddies, etc: Priceless!

Right now my son is screaming and beating his head against the wall. He has an external HD that carries programs and files between his school computer, and the ones he has at his Mom's and my houses, so he doesn't have to clutter up 3 or 4 machines with the same programs, and everything is current no matter where he is. The external HD died this week, taking everything with it!!! Never thought to back up the back up! Him :crash: me:rofl3: him:no: you'll get yours
I gave up trying to load more than one pic at a time, I have several folders that are empty cause it justs seems like a bunch of trouble that I was hoping that it would get fixed
ALL electronics are subject to dying. Sure an Ext-HD can, but move the disc to an enclosure and retrieve the data. Should work. But I don't trust any machine to keep my one copy of anything valuable. My primary documents are on this one, backed up to the Ext-HD, then to my alternate computer.

You have a 40 Gb desktop HD, and smaller on your laptop? Are those at the top of your list to replace? Or, supplement? The laptop HD just needs to be replaced with 100+Gb, a 5-10 minute self do job, then reload your OS, programs, documents copied to Ext HD. The desktop may have room to just add a second HD.

I have the Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.2. You should get the same choices that I do...??
I used to us AOL photo albums to host and easily share slide show with friends. They closed that recently but set up an easy move of all albums to - every easy to use. I like to host pics/slide shows here, but - PhotoWorks works. :D

V-board is a well established and I'm sure expensive program. Too bad they have such a dog for pics.

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