Photo Gallery Issues...

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Boy, do I know that error code by heart.
That's the same one, huh? Now that I have duplicated the problem, I'll prepare to case for the Support forum - after more testing.

Until I expand them to full size there is no noticeable difference in the three sizes. Nice.
You did see a difference, eh? Ok, I really have to get a real computer someday. This small screen laptop is limited, and I am sure it affects my photo editing.

I have upgraded to the 1mp card, even though the camera instructions said not too, but in Bonaire where I can easily do 4 to 5 tanks before I return to the laptop, even a 1mp card can fill fast at high quality. Since I am really just learning and most of my photos wouldn't really be worth printing at this time I began shooting on the second quality level. Battery life becomes my limiting factor most days (and nights).
You mean the 1 Gb card, I guess? Well, try a 2 Gb card and maximum size and quality. I don't think it'll slow your camera down any more than waiting for the strobe to recharge. I do like to change cards and batteries at lunch, and on a liveaboard - again at dinner, while in an air conditioned room/cabin - just in case I get carried away or shoot video. A 1 Gb card on maximum size and quality with the DC500 will shoot around 320 pics I think. That's really a lot for a day; you exceed that?

I do like to shoot video with my DC500 as you can get an hour of ASF on a Gb. Many of the ones I have loaded here were done with my DC500, and only fun - not quality, but so much easier to use than my big Canon camcorder or my Canon A540 that shoots AVI vid. Check out my dive & whale shark vids sometime: My Myspace - click videos under my pic.

I'm going to start a poll in the Sealife owners forum. Watch for it.

Thanks again. I'll get the updates and downloads done and get back later. May not get a chance to play very much this evening, but you've given me a ton of suggestions and ideas I need to absorb and play with.
Sure, take your time and check 'em out. I am no authority on any of this, just have some experience, so be on the look out for my mistakes, pitfalls, things you can teach me. :eyebrow:

Tonight I want to try to shoot a comet if I can find miss missing piece to my tripod.
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Same error code, just different pic name & # of course.

Right, 1GB not mb. Brain starts to fry a bit after 4 or 5 nights straight on 6 hrs sleep cause I'm up late playing on the computer with these *%#! pictures every night!

I've given up for now on my strobe. Had it back to Sealife along with the DC500 2x because it never has worked right. Each time I take it on a dive I end up disconnecting it and going back to the flash. I plan on looking up Sealife people at Beneath the Sea in March if they have a booth, to have a face to face discussion of my strobe problems. They changed the pick up angle last time on the cable, which helped a bit but it's constant failure to perform has cost me too many shots.

The only difference I saw in your three pics was when viewed on a large screen.

I have never used the video capabilities of my DC500. Have to try that, it would be fun. My earliest experience with using a digital camera for video was a disappointment because they had so little memory that I have simply never tried it with this camera! Must get the 2GB card too. Battery life is always a problem for me as I often do 3 to 5 dives before I get back to AC room, and even though I carry a back up battery I hate to open the case away from the AC. It would be so helpful to be able to switch out both the battery and the memory card during the day. Wish I could find a way to recharge those DC500 batteries without having to plug the camera into the dock for each charge, that would help speed recharging 2 batteries each evening a lot.

Hey, experience is often a harsh teacher but lessons learned that way have a habit of sticking. Good luck with the comet. Jeweler I do work for sometimes invested in a high end motorized camera that uses software to track and view the heavens on his computer. A pricey toy, but boy did he get some good shots.
Ow. Got a headache, trying to learn a great many things all at once here. Crash course! OK, here goes attempt #2!

Upgraded my Adobe PS 2.0 to 3.0 then to 3.2, then began playing with that for the first time. Many similarities to the Kodak Easyshare program, but that's only after a quick initial bit of playing.

Then located free Winzip 10 and been playing with that for a while. Same with the resizing program. You are right in assuming that I could use a 'Windows for beginners, or dumbies' tutorial, but not today.

Copied 1 pic to a new file, adjusted (cropped, balanced, cleaned up, etc) it with Adobe PS 3.2, re sized it into three sizes and saved as a zip file in 'my pictures' folder. When I went to try uploading the one file here though, I had trouble there and was only able to load pics as three separate files, but all three together are now under 100kb which is very interesting.

Now to see if they upload....crossing my fingers. [Oh, yes, I just shot a couple quick vids with the DC500 today, and am very pleased (NEW TOY ALERT!)]

OK!!! This seems to be working! The only difference I see is the size they expand to when I click on one. Thank you very much, there is just so much to learn here. Guess I've got to be more patient and take those baby steps before I can run.


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Same error code, just different pic name & # of course.
Ok, I'll play with that some more today and present a case later on support.

Right, 1GB not mb. Brain starts to fry a bit after 4 or 5 nights straight on 6 hrs sleep cause I'm up late playing on the computer with these *%#! pictures every night!
Figured so from the context, but names can be pretty important when trouble shooting. Just clarifying. I still get confused over a lot of this too, but no experts seem interested in butting in here so I'll continue. :eyebrow:

I've given up for now on my strobe. Had it back to Sealife along with the DC500 2x because it never has worked right. Each time I take it on a dive I end up disconnecting it and going back to the flash. I plan on looking up Sealife people at Beneath the Sea in March if they have a booth, to have a face to face discussion of my strobe problems. They changed the pick up angle last time on the cable, which helped a bit but it's constant failure to perform has cost me too many shots.
Odd. What I like best about Sealife is their customer support. I don't remember the tech guy's name but he has been wonderful with me at times over the years...
650 mAh batteries sucked! He replaced them with 750s free;

Dropped my naked camera in a rinse bucket once. Replaced it for $35.

Needed to rework an old DC300 type strobe to fit a DC500 we got cheap for my buddy as he wasted my old DC300. He reworked it like new for nothing.​

The only difference I saw in your three pics was when viewed on a large screen.
Again, you're probly viewing on a real computer with larger screen, better quality, as well as younger eyes. I don't see any difference on my laptop between the three, but I'll come back to sizing.

I have never used the video capabilities of my DC500. Have to try that, it would be fun. My earliest experience with using a digital camera for video was a disappointment because they had so little memory that I have simply never tried it with this camera! Must get the 2GB card too.
I know. I found so little info in the manuals or even on the net about using digital cameras to shoot video. I just kept playing, learning, and finally wrote a couple of articles. Most digital cameras will shoot a maximum of 640x480 video so we're not talking HD until you get into the newest models; I saw that a Sea&Sea 12 mp can shoot in a larger vid mode, but for most of us - 640x480 is the best we can do, yet pretty good for amateur fun vids.

I spent too much money on a scuba housing for my Canon A540 once so I could use it for backup dive camera, but with no strobe really only used it for video - yet since it will not accept a SDHC I was limited to a 2 Gb card and 17 minutes of AVI video. The newer DC800 shoots AVI but you can stick a 8-16 GB card in it. My new Canon 10 mp can get over an hour on a 8 Gb card, but even on land I prefer to shoot with my Sealife as it uses ASF format and can get over an hour per Gb. By the time I compress them on Windows Movie Maker and then load them on Myspace or Vimeo to share with friends, they end up about the same size and quality so I prefer shooting ASF. Try it out, play some of mine, have fun.

Battery life is always a problem for me as I often do 3 to 5 dives before I get back to AC room, and even though I carry a back up battery I hate to open the case away from the AC. It would be so helpful to be able to switch out both the battery and the memory card during the day. Wish I could find a way to recharge those DC500 batteries without having to plug the camera into the dock for each charge, that would help speed recharging 2 batteries each evening a lot.
Yeah I know, even the 750 mAh batteries are pretty limited. It's frustrating to be on the 4th dive of a day, dead battery, and see the only Marlin you've ever seen while hanging on a SS - but it happened to me. Now I change every other dive, period. Run a Search for threads started by me on the Sealife Owners forum and you'll see where I got 900 mAh after market batteries that work for like $9 each, axillary chargers for about the same, and lifetime use of my moisture munchers by using DampRid to revive them.

Hey, experience is often a harsh teacher but lessons learned that way have a habit of sticking. Good luck with the comet. Jeweler I do work for sometimes invested in a high end motorized camera that uses software to track and view the heavens on his computer. A pricey toy, but boy did he get some good shots.
Clouds were moving in and I was wrong about where the moon should be. The 24th is the peak viewing night if the skies are clear but I'll rework my moon and comet rising data and keep trying all week. At least the comet starts rising around 10:30 soon, instead of the wee hours.

If I were go get a new photographic toy, it'd be one of those new Gigapan devices that lets you use a point&shoot camera to shoot a series of pics than can be spliced then loaded on their site. Check out this `1400 mp Inauguration pic, then zoom in on Hilary's white earrings. gigapan: President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address by David Bergman You may want to take a potty break while it loads.

Ow. Got a headache, trying to learn a great many things all at once here. Crash course! OK, here goes attempt #2!

Upgraded my Adobe PS 2.0 to 3.0 then to 3.2, then began playing with that for the first time. Many similarities to the Kodak Easyshare program, but that's only after a quick initial bit of playing.
Hehe, okay here is what I wanted to show you on Adobe Elements.
1: Shoot some 2+ Mb pics with your DC500, load onto it, under Edit - Select All, under File - select Attach to email.

2: On this box, select Individual attachments, Big, then lastly Customize...

3: On the next box, set your email provider, then slide Quality over to Maximum, then click OK...

4: That takes you back to the previous box, so click Ok again;

5: Attached to the email draft, you should see your 2+Mb pics reduced to 1024x768 @ less than 1 Mb each. If you don't want to bulk reduce your pics to 1024x768 @ 100-200 Kb range, then maybe you'll like the under 1 Mb pics for handling, storage, etc.​
You can still save your favorite pics at full resolution elsewhere, for possible print & framing, but this is a tool you may like for resizing before loading with V-boards out-of-date standards of 2 Mb max per pic. I used to know how to download from that step without emailing; can't remember at the moment, but - you can eamil to yourself, download from there - and let me know if you stumble across how to resize without emailing.

Then located free Winzip 10 and been playing with that for a while. Same with the resizing program. You are right in assuming that I could use a 'Windows for beginners, or dumbies' tutorial, but not today.
You didn't know how to create Zips? Okaaaay. Hey, I learned how to Copy&Paste by someone here on SB telling me when I was overcoming my fear of computers, but this site is a good one for info: Microsoft Windows XP Tutorial or there are others. On a recent day when a top internet security programs company released and update with a severe glitch, I was the first to report on their forum that it killed my computer - wiped out all programs, tools, accessories. I was able to System Restore in Safe Mode, but that was tricky and only possible because I had another computer to search the net for info. Still lost all documents, but only a fool trusts a puter to store anything of value, IMNSHO. I restored those from my backup file on my External Hard Drve.

Copied 1 pic to a new file, adjusted (cropped, balanced, cleaned up, etc) it with Adobe PS 3.2, re sized it into three sizes and saved as a zip file in 'my pictures' folder. When I went to try uploading the one file here though, I had trouble there and was only able to load pics as three separate files, but all three together are now under 100kb which is very interesting.

OK!!! This seems to be working! The only difference I see is the size they expand to when I click on one. Thank you very much, there is just so much to learn here. Guess I've got to be more patient and take those baby steps before I can run.
I think you overdid the resizing. Your post info says you have 149 pics, but I only see you having 90 in Gallery, so I guess you deleted some - the same V-board glitch that makes me look like I have 27,000. You're not loading to a test album are you? I don't see that Nudi anywhere on your 90 pics? When I clicked the thumbs, the first/largest one is 52.9 Kb. I don't think you want to reduce that low.

I moved this remark out of sequence..
Now to see if they upload....crossing my fingers. [Oh, yes, I just shot a couple quick vids with the DC500 today, and am very pleased (NEW TOY ALERT!)]
For getting more from the toys you already own, without buying new mini-camcorders, I do like the way it shoots vids - above and below water. One of my favorites is the second days of our Whale Shark chasing. Many try to still shoot them on the run but you can't really - as you're not allowed to use flash, the water is too murky for a full length shot of the 40 ft fish, they won't stop moving, but I was able to convey the feeling of what is was like to sit on the edge of a boat as the biggest shark in the world approached, dropping off in the water when the skipper yelled "Go!" finding the beast's mouth in the murky, swimming along as his pokadots change when he gains on me, getting slapped in the face with a 5 ft tall tail, great fun. :crafty:

Well this has been fun. Be back later...
Hmmmm. I went to duplicate the problem again, adding 23 pics in a zip file over 2 mb to the testing album I created to work with you here:

They all loaded ok? 23 pics from 54 to 159 kb, no problem...?


Then an hour later, I decide do load 200+ pics from my last Coz trip, got them all organized in < 10 Mb zips, tried to upload to a new album - nothing works right. Even the 3.81 mb zip won't. It keeps saying it did, but it lies a lot. :mad:

Maybe I'll try again with < 2 Mb zips?

Stupid V-board galleries...!!

I wanted to narrow the problem(s) down to those that are consistent before reporting but cannot even do that. See
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Same song, next verse....

I am mystified. I have been working with a member on the Gallery forum for a few days on his trouble thread, and we keep running into problems. Some of mine could well be operator error, as I am not expert, but I have loaded a few pics in the past thru the changes and all. I cannot exactly duplicate the problem, tho...

1: I can load individuals pics to an album okay it seems.

2: When I tried to load 23 pics in the 54 to 159 Kb range by compressing them to a 2.36 zip folder, that worked.

3: Seeing that the limits have been increased from 2 Mb zips to 10 Mb, I tried loading a few < 10 Mb zips to a new album - nothing works right. Even the 3.81 mb zip won't. It keeps saying it did, but it lies a lot.

4: Then when I tried a 1.91 Mb zip, it failed with this error message...​

Error creating thumbnail! Error code: 1


"/usr/bin/mogrify" +profile "*" -size 0x95 -quality 80 -geometry 0x95 '/home/zephyr/public_html/gallery/data/3839/thumbs/1_Day-01.JPG'​

If it would be consistent with its errors, that would help, but it's being crazy again it seems.

BTW, I see the new limits are "2000k file size limit. ZIP file uploads allowed (10.00mb limit)."
Is that 2000k really 2,000 Kb, or could it perhaps mean 2 Mb?

And is that 10 Mb zip limit correct or perhaps a typo?​
thank you!

Special request to anyone posting on this thead: Please include the date you last loaded to the Gallery, ok...?
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let me first say that I am just a little better than useless when it comes to a computer and this is the first time I have tried to load a picture to this site (other than an avatar). With that as my disclaimer, I just got the same error code trying to load one small picture.
let me first say that I am just a little better than useless when it comes to a computer and this is the first time I have tried to load a picture to this site (other than an avatar). With that as my disclaimer, I just got the same error code trying to load one small picture.
Ok I edit my requirement to Please include the date you last loaded to the Gallery. I included that to avoid postings from people who like to post, but have no personal knowledge of the problem - it happens.

Was your pic Jpeg? Do you know what its Kb size is?
Is that 2000k really 2,000 Kb, or could it perhaps mean 2 Mb?​

2,000 Kb is 2Mb... or close enough there are 1024 kilobytes in 1 megabyte....​

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