Don, thank you again for spending so much time helping a complete novice and stranger.
No none of my photos seems to be larger than @1,250-1,300mb. I just checked the sizes on my photos as you suggested last night. By changing my files to 'list' as you said I see that my original pics are downloading and storing on my computer at @1,250kb(+ or -) each (hence the 1.20mb figure I saw scrolling over them), and those I have been cropping and adjusting using the Kodak Easyshare software are running @800kb. (High in the 900kb's and low in the 300 to 500kb's.)
The setting I am using on my DC500 is the "fine" or two star setting, the middle of the three quality choices available. That is why my pics download at @1.20mb, while your same camera is downloading at @2.36mb. Same camera, but smaller file setting, because I just hate seeing that "memory card full" screen in the middle of a dive!
You are right, I shot probably at least 800 to 900 pictures in Boanire 3 weeks ago and only saved @450 of those, and as I sort threw the collection will get down to maybe 25 to 30 that are actually worth saving and cleaning up. (still hard for me to dump all the marginal ones tho!)
Last evening I was trying to just upload 4 or 5 of the smaller (@800kb) photos at a time to SB, which did seem to help my upload at first, but suddenly all the photos that never loaded last Wed morning and evening reappeared and began mixing into my upload, resulting in many doubles. :shocked2:
Tried all last evening to sort threw this new mess! Found all new kinds of things I can't do

, like delete doubles, change just one copy of a pic on the SB site, without altering it's double too. Lots of fun finding all the things that I am not able to do, that seem like they should be so easy!
I Quit and went to bed at 11:30, deciding to give it a rest for a day or two, before I try again. Maybe after I stop wanting to punch out the moniter, and have read threw your suggestions again, I'll be in a better frame of mind to start over. The funny thing is, after all this struggle it is so satisfying to see one of my pictures on the site and get an occasional comment. Then it's suddenly all worth the struggles. Jim