True, the OWNERS of this board can and do do whatever they see fit and responsible, but everyone who uses this site, those who share, as well as those who come for information, or opinion, need to know that the information available here has been, is, and will be edited for content, by those who feel they need to take that responsibilty. And by doing that, they in a sense, make themselves completely responsible for what is on this board, because if it is here, it is because they have allowed it. They prove that by pulling what they don't allow.
Therefore, if that is the case, which I am not altogether certain it is, (I have not been contacted by the owner, or a moderator confirming such) then people need to know not all information, or opinion are welcome here or available here.
However, I have been under the impression so far that the above statement is false as far as ScubaBoard is concerned, and that it is primarily attitude that is being addressed, not necessarily information and opinion. But maybe I am misinformed, or naieve, or both.