People get ready, there's a storm a comin'...

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Lessons from Andrew. It took 3 days for any outside help to arrive. Nobody believed it was that bad...thought Miami was a bunch of whiners. sheesh!

Well, being Miami in the early 90's, it was hard to tell what was really trash or already in that state of damaged disarray and what wasn't. Miami today is much cleaner than it used to be. :eyebrow:

The biggest difference between a decade ago and now, is communication and awareness.

To many pictures to post just a highlight here or there, so I posted them to a gallery page. Some seem insigificant unless you've been around my nighborhood..
Well I will say we wear moving towards FLA as fast a possible.
we started loading the big trucks a week before storm was expected to hit, we left NC early wasn't suppose to leave till three PM instead we left a noon when the storm was decided that it would go more up the coast for sure and passageway down I 95 would be ok, big trucks don't like lots wind. I have .seen more of FLA in few days than I have in years , and got this to say allot of damage but thankfully more lives wasn't lost, yes some wear lost . I have to say sorry to have any loss of live. But can't change that now!!!
Remember this as much as it sounds tacky material things can and will eventually is replace or forgotten, lives cannot be replaced!!!!
Now as far as aid went sent 20 big trucks down that day since then I know OUR FEMA TEAM has been having twice that many down daily. and will continue send as much and setting up more points every day GOD bless you all and please as much as possible be patient we trying !!!!!!!!! DANG sat link slower than dial up. Left so fast doesn't even have my camera but do have three pants few shirts and toilet items.
Jenny, don't be so harsh...I drove down Kendall Drive December after Andrew, and the steel light poles on the Publix parking lot at Kendall and 107th Ave were bent like fingers, not to mention, no lights, and no street signs, so finding your way around was like shooting an ILS with the localizer needle out.

Colin, Simon, glad to know you're still with us!!!
Not gonna get into an Andrew vs Charley thing. What I was trying to say was, no help arrived for 3 days after Andrew. The lesson learned was to start preparing emergancy help PRIOR to landfall, just as FEMA, FPL, Red Cross, Salvation Army and a host of others have done. See? Good can come of bad.
When we started seeing National Guard troops replacing the officers Saturday (who were immediately on our streets when it was safe again Friday), power, tree, and other utility company trucks from out of state showing up as early as Sunday, and hearing of the other items that were inbound from other areas (phone calls from folks on the road interspersed among the convoys) it rocketed my spirits through the roof! I was fully prepared for upwards of a week with no power survival food wise before having to dig into the MRE rations, but 3 days! Super markets were open by Saturday night. Lowes was open Saturday as well, hence I dipped into some of my $ to get a chainsaw to a) keep occupied, b) find some neighbors houses, c) I'm a guy, it was a great excuse for a tool (and get reimbursed for my time by the association).

Medic - make sure to spread the word around amongst your team and others that the speed at which aid arrived and the amount of it is so appreciated by so many people that its beyond measure!

Well I will say we wear moving towards FLA as fast a possible.
we started loading the big trucks a week before storm was expected to hit, we left NC early wasn't suppose to leave till three PM instead we left a noon when the storm was decided that it would go more up the coast for sure and passageway down I 95 would be ok, big trucks don't like lots wind. I have .seen more of FLA in few days than I have in years , and got this to say allot of damage but thankfully more lives wasn't lost, yes some wear lost . I have to say sorry to have any loss of live. But can't change that now!!!
Remember this as much as it sounds tacky material things can and will eventually is replace or forgotten, lives cannot be replaced!!!!
Now as far as aid went sent 20 big trucks down that day since then I know OUR FEMA TEAM has been having twice that many down daily. and will continue send as much and setting up more points every day GOD bless you all and please as much as possible be patient we trying !!!!!!!!! DANG sat link slower than dial up. Left so fast doesn't even have my camera but do have three pants few shirts and toilet items.
Glad to see you back Colin. Say hey to Kris. Any word from Brian?

I heard you guys were ok from someone online (I think ScubaJenny). Although we took some damage, it is good living on the same grid as the 24hr Walmart and Publix. We had a power truck in the neighborhood 7:30pm Friday night and electicity was on by noon Saturday.

Glad to see your still here.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! LOL You suck! Brian had a generator, you at the 24hr walmart... me, I was in my condo in what sounded like an RV Park with all the generators... though, I can't complain to much, our neighbor dropped a power cord over our fence so we had our fridge and TV up and running (cold food and visual for news other than blah-blah-blah really helps!).

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