Peacock/Orange on the 28th.

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Ben once you get it converted over just get a yoke adapter that way you'll have less wear and tear on the reg
I have one, but since I was going to be strictly yoke single tanks over the summer I had it switched out in May. I used my other first stage and an adapter for a week or so and it gunked up the threads decently, so I didn't want to subject it to a whole summer (gear maint. was a little lacking).

I'm hopefully gonna get it squared away at EE on the way.

Zis Veekend ve are going to introduce Za Silver Fickle Face Mask of Fate who vill be za first victim hmmmmm?

Remember Za Ping Pong Balls!
Perhaps I'll just stay in bed with the covers pulled up over my head.
I have no idea what this mask is, nor do i feel i want to find out, can i just do it mask off???

Lets see.
Lost line drill In the dark
Valve drill
Air share in the dark while exiting
Lost diver
Dead light.
Reel deployment.
Lost mask line location
touch signals
under water hand signals for techs.
Light signals
Line arrow placements
Cookie marker placements.
Did I forget anything.
Your gioing to have a fun day tomorrow :)
Oh did I tell you I think we located a couple of tanks with H valves you can use.
Boy I have that feeling I'm forgetting something. :)
I meant mask off instead of wearing what sounds like a funky 70's spangly silver mask - i mean i would have to change my entire outfit to compliment that kind of colour scheme! As for skills, valve drills - on a single K valve??? On/Off i would think, found it easier with the doubles down in Denton! Is there really any difference between having your mask on or not in the dark anyway - kill two skills in one surely? The other stuff should be ok, the lost line is the only one i am slightly apprehensive about. I think you did forgot the cut line and entangled diver skills, but i am sure we will be doing the other stuff too with and without lights/mask depending on when Rick decides to do it. As for H's, thats fine, not sure if we need them tomorrow, but i know we will for the intro course when that happens.
Tomorrow vill be fun> say zis! repeat after me - tomorow vill be fun.

The silver fickle face mask of fate bwahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.....

fashion iz not your concern
Perhaps I'll just stay in bed with the covers pulled up over my head.
AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Becareful what you wish for!!!!! I really am in bed with the cover pulled because of a *&&%**** sinus headache.......AAARRRGGGHHHHH.........
Well, a good time was had by all, no punches thrown, no nasty comments made. Friendly banter was exchanged, lights were burned and gas was consumed (some much less then others :eyebrow: )

Ok, i wont get into details of too much of the diving, not a full report again, just in case i accidentally put my foot in it somehow and start another war!

We had a couple of dives, managed some decent air shares with and without light, entanglement drill, lost diver drill, cut line drill and we were going to do the lost line, but i dont know quite what happened to me there. I have dived without my mask quite a few times for periods - on purpose, but something about knowing i had find the line, swap out masks to the "silver fickle mask of fate" and knowing i wouldnt see jack - just flipped a switch and i wasnt comfortable with that idea, so called the dive. I have no idea what happened. Conditions were good, viz was at least 80ft inside the cavern, outside a little less, we didnt even reach the reaper sign, and could see the exit plainly throughout (except with eyes closed of course :wink: ).

It was great to see the others there, we wish we could have gotten another dive in and polished off the lost line, surfacing unconcious diver, more air sharing drills and the like in - i think that is all we didnt complete. We managed around 2 hours in the shallows of that cavern, but the frustration at times did use our air up a little - but not substantially so.

It was good to see Ben again, and to see how Rick, Fred and myself didnt try to take him out above or below water! We also had cameo's from P2 and Peter and the Fool showed up finally after taking a scenic trip to Peacock via Chiefland and at least got one dive in.

Rick - We should be up for finishing up the course either of the weekends in sept we discussed, depending on sprog dropping date. Also might be free next weekend if the SE coast is blown out by the hurricane that is around, but will know that later in the week - should have 2-3 days notice or so for any of those weekends though!

Great to see you all, even if it was a busy car park today.
Note to self. Buy new state map, since the one I had has disappeared. Next note to self. Remember how NICE people around this section of the state are. Really nice folks.

Ben, once again, my apologies on my (unplanned) late arrival. Thanks for the dive, I really enjoyed it.

Met a few of you for the first time, hopefully not for the last time.

Hey, what's that on my keyboard? Ewww, duckweed!!
You guys didn't waste any time getting on.
Had a good time, Enjoyed EVERYONES CONPANY.
Ended up doing the second dive anyway through the peanut tunnel made it back to around 1100 ft. Looking forward to the next time.
Ben I'm glad we got to at least do one cave dive.

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