Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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So? For those that think more regulations are needed to keep passengers from being inonvenienced during air travel, what have you done other than talk about it for many days here on SB.
That would not be as sensational as jetblue bashing Dennis.

Aren't you embarassed by your repeated off topic one liners? This is an adult forum, I'll have you know.:shakehead
So? For those that think more regulations are needed to keep passengers from being inonvenienced during air travel, what have you done other than talk about it for many days here on SB.

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Pifi, you make a fool of yourself by repeatly attacking me falsely.
pilot fish:
This is an attempt to post on topic. Thank you.:wink:
answer the question
Pifi, you make a fool of yourself by repeatly attacking me falsely.

dimdavid, if you only knew how you sounded when you post your inane one liners, you might ask for forgiveness?:shakehead
How often does a kidnapping have to happen to pass a law prohibiting it...?

Jet Blue's first big failure was in Feb 2007.

Ms. Hanni had her own tarmac nightmare, on an American Airlines flight from San Francisco to Dallas on Dec. 29 that was diverted to Austin in severe weather.
That flight sat on the runway in Austin for eight grueling hours...

On New Year’s weekend in 1999, a blizzard left thousands of passengers stranded for hours on Northwest Airlines planes at the airport in Detroit as food and water ran out and toilets became unusable.
The debacle made headlines and prompted cries for federal legislation to force airlines to adopt better customer service procedures. The airlines prevailed against legislation, though, promising that they would police themselves.

Almost nothing has changed...

And with rights forfeited with the purchase of every ticket, agreeing to the airlines policies, could things get worse...?

The only thing necessary for greed and power to win is non-action on the oppressed. It's either get better because required, or worse.... :shakehead
answer the question
I rest my case :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :shakehead :cowboy: :thumb:

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