Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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They are soooooooooooooooooo kind. NOT! Imagine going through all that, the bathrooms must have been lovely, and all you are going to get is a free flight?

"To appease disgruntled passengers, JetBlue is giving full refunds to those whose flights were canceled and has been helping rebook passengers to new flights, the airline said. Hundreds of passengers remained in the airline's domestic terminal at JFK after their Wednesday and Thursday flights were canceled.

Passengers who were stuck on grounded planes for long hours had complaints that included temporary loss of heat, lack of food and deteriorating restroom conditions"]]]cnn
I think I read of a newlywed couple expecting to honeymoon in Aruba, but went home instead? I'm sure there are many sad stories to blame on airline greed and inefficiency.
pilot fish:
dindave, don't you ever contribute to any thread you post in? Every post of yours, in every thread I've seen you post in, are these inane, one line quickies that you think are funny. Don't you EVER have anything of substance to say?
Yeah, usually....
I think I read of a newlywed couple expecting to honeymoon in Aruba, but went home instead? I'm sure there are many sad stories to blame on airline greed and inefficiency.

Who is going to pay their hotel bill, their food ,meals for All Inclusive they paid for in advance? This thing gets worse when you think about what they did and the paltry remedy they are offering.:(
pilot fish:
dindave, don't you ever contribute to any thread you post in? Every post of yours, in every thread I've seen you post in, are these inane, one line quickies that you think are funny. Don't you EVER have anything of substance to say?

Don't be so quick to judge. You must understand that not everyone is as full of insight as you are PiFi. We are just grateful that you are here to point out the worlds shortcomings and the errors of our ways. Thank you PiFi, for showing us the light.
A lot of eyes are on this now and perhaps something meaningful will come out of these hearings.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The stranding of hundreds of passengers aboard JetBlue Airways Corp. planes for up to 10 hours during icy weather Wednesday has revived calls to enact an airline customer rights law.

Rep. Michael Thompson, a California Democrat, said Thursday he planned to introduce a bill that would address delayed flights, time on the tarmac, cancellations, and lost or damaged luggage.

The airline industry beat back a similar push for legislation in 1999 after agreeing to a adopt a voluntary customer service initiative in response to a Detroit snowstorm that snarled Northwest Airlines operations.

"A lot of my colleagues who have heard about it have contacted me and expressed an interest" in the legislation, both in the House of Representatives and Senate, said Thompson in a telephone interview with Reuters.

Late on Thursday, the chairman of the House aviation subcommittee, Illinois Democrat Jerry Costello, called the JetBlue situation unacceptable and said a panel would hold hearings on airline customer service complaints"
Unfortunately, legislation will translate into higher airfares.
Can't we talk about something of greater importance, like people who take large dive luggage on dive boats. :D
pilot fish:
A lot of eyes are on this now and perhaps something meaningful will come out of these hearings.
what? another non binding resolution?
like people who take large dive luggage on dive boats.

no..let's not.

Glad to see the people I admire agree they could get off the plane once they decided "it was time."
Hearings? Remember now, these are the people who want your brief case in a secure overhead but your baby in your lap.
Diver Dennis:
Unfortunately, legislation will translate into higher airfares.
You know, whatever it takes to keep people from being entombed in a parked tube on a runway for hours in a storm is probly worth it. I need to email my Congressman.

But if I get caught in one of these trips - what's easiest to fake? Heart problems...?

Then once off, how can they prove I didn't...??


[hijack]Can't we talk about something of greater importance, like people who take large dive luggage on dive boats. [/hijack]
Sure, go away and start a thread in the DIR forum.

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