Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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tell them your viagra has gone astray :wink: :rofl3:
tell them your viagra has gone astray :
Can't we talk about something of greater importance, like people who take large dive luggage on dive boats. :D

Your usual silliness.:shakehead
pilot fish:
Who is going to pay their hotel bill, their food ,meals for All Inclusive they paid for in advance? This thing gets worse when you think about what they did and the paltry remedy they are offering.:(

Your typical the world is going to end if they don't get paid for there problems. . . What happened to a world when parents could smack there kids around and corporations could do what they wanted?
no..let's not.

Glad to see the people I admire agree they could get off the plane once they decided "it was time."
Hearings? Remember now, these are the people who want your brief case in a secure overhead but your baby in your lap.

I admire your spunk too. Not sure exactly what I'd do but staying on a plane for 11 hours on the runway apron would not be one the things I'd tolerate. :no
pilot fish:
I admire your spunk too. Not sure exactly what I'd do but staying on a plane for 11 hours on the runway apron would not be one the things I'd tolerate. :no

Note to self. . . never fly anywhere with PiFi. . .
You know, whatever it takes to keep people from being entombed in a parked tube on a runway for hours in a storm is probly worth it. I need to email my Congressman.

I for one do not want to pay for something that does not affect me. My flight miles were in the six figures last year and the longest I waited was 20 or 30 minutes. How many people here have waited on the tarmac for even 3 hours?
I waited for 27 minutes once. . .
tell them your viagra has gone astray :wink: :rofl3:

If you do not want to discuss the topic of this thread, or do not understand it, take this silly "humor" to a different thread, please.:shakehead

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