Palm Beach Dive Thread

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Joining is quick and easy. Log in or Register now! with big cable reels......depth of the site was 115ft,
I know where you are talking about. We hit it maybe once a year since it's a public listed number. But it's good you published where it was lost so if we hear someone found it, we know who to tell them to contact. Most divers are really good about returning lost gear. (good karma)
FYI, The Princess Anne is a car ferry not a barge....
Perhaps a few "old" pics might be interesting to some? It used to be only about 40 feet to the top of the wreck.

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@johndiver999 Awesome photos! I've never seen them before! I've been on the wreck many times but all since she's been torn up. Was it one hurricane in particular that did the most damage or has it been several over the years?

@NothingClever PA has always been an awesome dive every time I've been on it. I was repeatedly circled by no less than 8 bull sharks on one dive. Just sat and watched them pretty much the entire dive!
Lots of hurricanes since 1993. In 30 years, Ana C & Lady Luck in Pompano will probably be in similar condition.
Now that you mention it, 2 weeks ago I dove the Ana C. Paul Seldes from Stuart Scuba took this video on that dive as we was doing some swim throughs. This caught my eye when I watched his video a few days ago.


Is it starting to buckle on the right side?

Lots of hurricanes since 1993. In 30 years, Ana C & Lady Luck in Pompano will probably be in similar condition.
Anchor damage is another potential factor. I remember a number of years ago it looked like someone had hooked into the pilothouse on the Esso Bonaire and ripped it off; since then the superstructure has deteriorated considerably.
I made a short appearance on the BAMF SQUAD YouTube channel from our diving last weekend. It's just me back rolling off the boat with speargun, Tusa, and out of view lobster gear.

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