PADI Zombie Apocalypse Diver Course

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I know multiple instructors that teach PADI cave course, most teach for multiple agencies but then again most cave instructors I know teach for more than one agency.
ALL PADI cave instructors are also tech/cave instructors with another agency, it's actually a prerequisite to becoming a PADI cave instructor.
Sorry, but I think that PADI endorsing every meaningless course that people are willing to send them cash for trivializes them as an agency. At some point these things come back to bite you. When you teach thing like zombie apocalypse diving or underwater quidditch eventually people are going to stop taking you seriously.

I stopped taking PADI seriously a long time ago.​
I love how everyone has so many negative things to say about this course. I wrote the class and it was a hard road with PADI. I can't believe I am defending myself HERE but I feel like I need to clarify a few points. There are two types of divers, those that think dive training should be fun and those that think only serious courses should be offered. I happen to think that most people take up diving to have fun. You are all entitled to your opinions but to openly insult me and call me a schmuck is a little over the top.
1: the course is not 200. Dive shops that have me teach it can charge whatever they want. I put a lot of work into it. Had a logo created, tshirts, bracelets, certificates, and a 28 page 11x17 student manual. All things were difficult to have PADI sign off on
2: I'm glad to see that students are flooding into your areas because they certainly aren't here. God forbid I try and create something unique and diverting to lure and entice new divers.
3. The course does have a specific set of skills some relevant, some just for fun. No I will not go into specifics until the copyright process is complete. Yes it's being copyrighted and trademarked to protect it because it was very time consuming to create.
4. To answer the marketing question. I feel it has been marketed very well with a positive campaign and reputation. Unlike leisure pro which markets itself as a destroyer of local dive shops by selling gray market gear or anything. At least I don't endorse them phew.
5: I thank you all for the support. If you don't want to take the course. Don't take it. It's done pretty well for itself without the naysayers. For those of you who have supported me email me through the website and ill send you a free bbracelet and to both parties please dive safe
just resent to yahoo address. thanks.
If anything, it does prove how meaningless the PADI "Master SCUBA DIVER" rating really is...

Q: Does this certification count towards my MASTER SCUBA
DIVER rating?
A: Yes it does.

Yes, that's the point. I have not read all the posts and know nothing of the skills of Zombie course. I agree that it's no big deal, a fun course, etc. and you don't have to take it, someone put in a lot of time (& $?) to develope it, etc. But like some PADI others, NOT toward MSD.
That's the problem with this thread; acknowledging that you know nothing of the skills required in the course, yet are prepared to pass judgement on its fitness toward MSD.

Can you clarify which PADI others do not count toward MSD?
Sharkdiver, kudos to you 1 for designing the course, and 2 for trying to defend it here (a near impossible task). I had assumed when I first read this that there were some skills being taught in the course. A course that could lure divers in for more training has to be of some benefit. If there are some skills that help make them a better diver while having some fun, great. If someone doesn't want to take it, that's their choice.

Just like the master diver course. Some like to take those courses and get certs, some don't. Why belittle them if they do. What is hurt by someone taking any course? I have to believe that every person that is a master diver gain some knowledge and skill by taking those courses to get there. There are some certs that I have zero use for, but there is no way that I will belittle those who take them. I can't judge what motivates them and how can you? Now if some agency comes out with "Destroying living coral" course I will say that's bad.

If you don't like a course, don't take it.
That's the problem with this thread; acknowledging that you know nothing of the skills required in the course, yet are prepared to pass judgement on its fitness toward MSD.

Can you clarify which PADI others do not count toward MSD?

Yes. Anything that does not pretty directly have to do with safety and efficient diving. Well, they do count but IMHO shouldn't.

Some are: UW Photo, video, Project aware, Underwater Naturalist, Nat. Geographic, probably DPV, possibly Boat Diver (though helpfull if you've never been on a boat or have never dived from one) & Drysuit Diver (though that one can't hurt re drysuit buoyancy, weighting--though you can probably learn this yourself or from a drysuit buddy. Equipment Specialist (depending on what is taught).

Now I guess you could say that Underwater Naturalist may prevent you from grabbing Fire Coral or a sharp urchin, but common sense would prevent most from doing this anyway.

Sharkdiver points out that until it is copywrite the relevant skills have not been listed, so I admit I'm at fault in just assuming there are none or very few -- based on simply the title.

I know this is a very old topic and some agree, some disagree with me.

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