PADI sent me an AOW survey

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scubasean once bubbled...
Pretty cheesy though to ask me for a favor (reviewing the accomplishment of some standards in my course) and not to pay for the mail service needed to get the reply back to them....

They must be pinching pennies....Of couse, since I am also, and since they are a commercial entity, they lost out. :)

I think it is interesting that you feel that PADI is "asking you to do them a favor". While it IS beneficial to PADi to have input from participants, the purpose is beneficial to ALL divers and dive students as this is an attempt to gain information about the quality of services being provided.

Was there an email option? Did you provide your email address when you filled out the paperwork for AOW? Were you asked to? Would you have preferred to have been sent a survey via email?
Just curious,as I am interested in your opinion.

I am a PADI instructor. I hand out my own evaluation feedback cards to my students at the end of my classes and ask that they be filled out. Often people say, "I'll take it with me and mail or email it to you". I find that in most cases, if they do not do it "then and now", it gets forgotten.

I have always been under the impression that the purpose of these surveys was to get feedback as to what aspects of training people did and did not enjoy. To determine people's general impressions of PADI. Also to oversee what practices are being used in their affiliated dive operators.

My personal experience in business leads me to believe that persons who are less than satisfied with goods/services provided are eager to voice their opinions, wheras people who are content, or even overly appreciative, rarely go out of their way to praise good service. Random surveys (assuming people participate) help motivate responses.

I owned and operated a small chimney sweeping business in VT for 14 years. I (and my employees) always left a " how did we do?" survey card with each customer (much like the ones you find on restaurant tables). My general impression was that people appreciated the fact that we were attempting to solicit fedback, in order to gain knoledge of our stong (and weak) points.
I also observed that: even with pre-stampted cards, only about 20% actually took the time to fill it out and mail it back in. The result was wasted money. Money that I could spend more effectively in a positive manor. I then began handing out cards WITHOUT pre-paid postage. The result, about the same 20% response.

One question. If your survey card had been postage paid, would you have acted differently?

Forgive me if this analogy seems inappropriate. I am trying not to respond with a bias opinion.

As divers, are we not a collective group? Are we not concerned with quality control of our intrest and industry? Much like our nation ( in my and your case USA). We are asked to vote. Voting cost us time. Yet we are willing to participate, as we believe that our contribution will make a difference. I find it troublesome to hear comments like" I didn't vote, why bother, the system sucks anyway".

Now don't get me wrong here. I am not comparing PADI to our government. But don't other agencies besides PADI solicit responses? Is the intention not beneficial to all of us?

Bottom line, My interest in your opinion is with the best of intensions, to continue practices that are appreciated, and build on those which indicate a need for improvement.

I believe that people who feel strongly (good or bad) will most likely spend the 35 cents to let me know, at least I hope so. The ones who are "in the middle", with the risk of sounding apathetic, don't offer as much constructive input, and are therefore not as important to the survey.

Well, gotta run. I just got a survey card from my cable company. I think I'll let em know what I think of "Shark Week".:) :)

Padi also sends out those surveys, when an open complaint is filed by another person or instructor. Hence the rat form in the front of the padi inst manual.
Chances are the instructor did something stupid or he pissed off a student or other instructor that complained.
Contact the inst and inform him of what you got in the mail and ask him to explain it.
scubasean once bubbled...
Obviously, they are attempting to verify whether some of the minimum standards were followed.

I did find it a bit annoying that they didn't stamp the return envelope. So, I threw the survey and envelope away...LOL

And everyone wants to know why PADI doesn't enforce their own standards.

I don't ever want to hear you bad mouth PADI. You had the chance to tell provide them with feedback but you couldn't spare the 37 cents. Cheap bastard!
scubasean once bubbled...

Not true...They weren't looking for my suggestions, and only asked if my instructor did the right things...which he did. so, responding would not effect an improvement.

I was only throwing fun at the 37 was supposed to be serious if you want....And, I wanted to save the stamp so I can send in the GUE survey at a later date....(Oh yeah, that one is free...)

BTW, 37cents is .37, not .037....LOL

Surely you can't be suggesting I can't have an opinion? (I didn't think so...) :)

Ok, $.037 is incorrect. Just call it Homerism. DOH!

As to the survey, I'm glad you were pleased. It would be nice for PADI to know so too. Just a way to keep thing balanced.

Sorry if it seemed I was presuming you were not pleased.
MikeFerrara once bubbled...
Surveys are only sent to a sampling of students. The newer the instructor is the more of his students get them. They used to send them to 1/3 of the students accross the board.

they're looking for standards violations mostly. I'm not sure they're interested in your opinion of the requirements. I know they don't seem interested in my opinion of them. They like to tell me what's good and have so far have ignored what I think is good.

Maybe they're looking for those instructors that are going beyond the * requirements * you'll get a letter demanding those students get put back on their knees. :)
FLL Diver once bubbled...

If you though so little of your instructor, this was your opportunity to let PADI know.


scubasean once bubbled...

My instructor, Matt Whitman, was great!

No complaints at all....


Then all the more pity that you couldn't see your way clear to let PADI and him know that he did do his job correctly.

I don't know why you seem so proud of this.

If money is really the reason let me know if you still have the form and a PayPal account. I'll send you the 37¢.

FLL Diver once bubbled...
Then all the more pity that you couldn't see your way clear to let PADI and him know that he did do his job correctly.
I'm a friend of Matt's, and had already forwarded Sean's praise on to him.
scubasean once bubbled...

My instructor, Matt Whitman, was great!

No complaints at all....

He seems like a good guy going with him on some dives this weekend.
Mine was an email from PADI with a link to an online eval. Took 2 minutes and didn't cost me a cent. No spam from PADI either as of yet!

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