Oversight of Dive shops by Dive Agencies (PADI, NAUI, etc.)

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When we got ready for NITROX we asked our instructor the differences... basically her response was "NAUI has more math"...
I'm not sure why this should even matter. Let's be honest here--the math is of a 5th grade level.
Yes, the math is easy, but some folks have difficulty reading formulas. Often the first step is teaching them how to read and use a formula. Without the math, you're lost.
Yes, the math is easy, but some folks have difficulty reading formulas. Often the first step is teaching them how to read and use a formula. Without the math, you're lost.

Walter pretty much nails it...

The thing is... EVERYBODY learns differently... I have much less problem with formulas than my wife does... and she's far from 'learning deficient'... its just that each of us has a different way of percieving informtion... This is why I take the stance that the whole NAUI/PADI/SSI/whatever thing isn't really an issue of 'better or worse" but rather a question of fundimental presentation and what's going to work with what student.

After having purused SB for a while... I'm beginning to wonder how many of these passionate debates are sparked simply because somebody was presented with information in a manner that wasn't optimal for their personal learning profile? (... again... not that there's anything critically wrong with any of the specific presentation methodologies... just that... sometimes... it isn't 'what' you say... it 'how' you say it that gets the message across...) ... ever try to teach a dyslexic student???

My instructor's observation was, I think, a very enlightened one... short... to the point and then she made the manuals available for inspection so that we could make up our minds. Didn't oversell either agency... didn't try to make the decision for us...

:) ... and I ain't gettin' paid a penny to say this either!!!! :14: :14:
I developed a handout with formulas and an explanation on what they mean that I laminated and handed out to all my nitrox students.
I certified NAUI EAN as well. The instructor (Larry Dague at Scuba Toys) did a fine job of explaining both the course material and the practical application in the field. I've also sat through the classroom of the PADI course and found it to be about the same.
Customers shouldnt have to ask about needing extra materials. At the least, if not explained to them in detail, all the necessary info should be given to them in written form, and possibly on the store's website. Im a healthcare professional, and I treat my patients how I would like to be treated. I give them way more information than most would ever need or want, about their procedures, what we reccommend, what their post op intstructions are, and detailed info about ALL fees that can reasonably be incurred. I wouldnt tolerate any less from a dive shop. You know a really professional outfit when you are treated like a VIP. Thats how we run our ship!
www.daviedental.com You vote with your wallet. Support your local dive shop that gives you the service you deserve, and beware of a shop that has fees way lower than the rest. Thankfully, Kmart doesnt offer C-Cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think advertising certification sans book is total BS. In order to be certified you have to have the book, so the price of certification has to include the book. Obviously you give a discount if they have their own and you can just sell them a book, but I think it's pretty frickin' sleasy to charge extra for books!

Every college course I have taken has been with the course material (i.e. books) at an additional cost. Get used to it. If it is the norm for college and university education why would you expect it to be different for any other type of education? If you took a basic OW certification at a college you would expect the books to be extra, right?
Every college course I have taken has been with the course material (i.e. books) at an additional cost. Get used to it. If it is the norm for college and university education why would you expect it to be different for any other type of education? If you took a basic OW certification at a college you would expect the books to be extra, right?
All of my YMCA courses (OW, AOW, SLAM) included student materials in the cost of the class. The TDI courses I took (EANx, tank inspection, gas blending) did as well. And as an independent instructor, all of my NAUI classes are quoted to include student materials.

Pricing structure really depends on the class and the instructor.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Ya know, I've seen it go both ways as far as LDSes including materials. Frankly I've seen gear optionaly included so nothing is always the same. It depends on the market you are in. And of course I don't think I've ever seen a Collage include its books in the price of the class.
When I'm responding to something you've written, I'll quote the part to which I'm responding.

Exactly my point. If it was actually relevent, you could have responded to the entire sentance.

It is not an answer to your question, but it does have to do with what you asked.

No Walter. It only has something to do with what I asked if you cut the question off in mid sentance (as you did), and reply to only the words that make up the question you wished had been asked. Why else would you only quote and respond to half a sentance? I recognize that it's an effective tool for people with an agenda. Sometimes you need to find a way to say the thing you came to say, and if you can tie it somehow (however tenuously) to what's being said, so much the better.

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