Oregon man shot in head while snorkeling

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Kinda like herding cats, though.

"dumb control" does have a nice ring to it though. :D

-Ben (one of the 10+ million US gun owners who haven't shot anyone)
Does the Appalachian Mountain Club count?
I have another long boring story about this sort of thing, but it will have to wait

We'll make you an honorary Southerner. But you'll have to pass a swim test and a written exam.....:D So repeat after me... yall. yonder. grits.
-Ben (one of the 10+ million US gun owners who haven't shot anyone)

You can come to Tennessee and kill deer with us anytime. Or we'll go to Reelfoot and sit in a duck blind if you prefer.
My family is from Willmington, NC and Wrightville Beach, I can say y'all, yonder, and grits. I love scrapple and liver puddin'. Black-eye peas are fine by me too.
My family is from Willmington, NC and Wrightville Beach, I can say y'all, yonder, and grits. I love scrapple and liver puddin'. Black-eye peas are fine by me too.

I knew there was something I liked about you.

My husband's family is from NC. We're there several times a year. Try this on for size...Brunswick Stew. Moravian ginger cookies. Krispie Creme.

Oops - hijack!!!
Okay, we were working in Nicaragua, one of our study sights was in a little lake (actually a flooded volcanic caldera) named Jiloa. We’d get there in the morning, each of us would toss two tanks on top of our surf mats along with a wetsuit top and our research supplies and we’d kick to the other end of the lake pushing our mats. When we got to our study site we’d toss that mats and extra tank and stuff on the steep rocky shore, strap gear up and get to work. After a couple of hours we’d be out of air and cold, so we’d surface. The water right at the surface was very warm so we’d strip off our wet suits, fins and booties and lie there luxuriating in the warm water while we performed behavioral watches on the fish in the shallow but deeply sloping water beneath us. With our water proof paper on our clipboards we’d do this for an hour or so. Then, warmed and refreshed we’d get out and have lunch. After lunch we’d strap on our second tank and get back to work. A few times a week we’d take our surf mats over at night to record what was going on then.

One day on our way back into Managua we stopped, as usual to buy La Prensa (the local newspaper) from a kid by the side of the road. I looked at the front page, it had a headline that read “Los Phantasmos de Jiloa.” (the Ghosts of Jiloa) and there was a photograph of the lake shore with an arrow pointing directly to our study site. I read on, loosely translated it said that some farmers had seen mysterious lights in the lake at night and when they came back the next day they found two dead bodies in the water, but could nor reach them because of the steep cliff. They report this to the police who went back with them, but no bodies were found. The next night the lights were back.

I saved the article and showed to the patriarch of the family we were staying with. I was having a bit of a chuckle but was not laughing, in point of fact he appeared quite concerned. He said, “I will have to do something about this,” and went out and got into his car.

He was not back until after supper. We talked a bit and I found out that he been to the police and through them had found the farmers and had talked with the farmers. It turns out that the disappearing bodies had embarrassed them with the police, they knew that the bodies were the “gouls” of the ghosts that they saw at night and the were planning to shoot the “gouls” with silver bullets so that they could not get away from them the next time that they went to the police.

Pretty weird, no?
Pretty weird, yes!

What a great story. Could this translate to the UFOs that people see? I guess yall did look pretty otherworldly all kitted up. And those underwater lights look strange even to me. Research gouls. That's funny!

Silver bullets, eh. Isn't that what kills a werewolf??? (There wolf, there castle)
So are you a wolf?
I bet it was Gordon Reese the Oregon replay official. It is a proven fact he has terrible eye sight.

You haven't seen blind officials til you've been in the SEC. :14:

Florida grads, every damn one of em.
Maybe the 60 y.o. was just 'Duck' hunting & was a bad shot....maybe??...........hope things turn out OK for the vic.....

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