The numbers I have seen secured so far (for EU) cover just a fraction of the populations. Yes EU has ordered from several suppliers and new orders are on the way but still they are not enough to cover most/all citizens. Keep in mind that it seems that 2 doses are needed per person for the vaccines. So if everyone was to be vaccinated close to 1bilion doses would be needed for EU only.
Before we get these numbers priority will be given to certain groups (medical stuff, older people and those who cater them etc). I'd bet those willing to travel for pleasure will be given quite low priority.
Now my concern is not this, sooner or later we will have the numbers needed even for poorer countries. My concern is that these vaccines are totally new technologies and they haven't been proven in practice. Yes there are ongoing studies that look promising but studies are studies. Nobody really knows how effective they will prove in wide scale.
Hope for the best and wait is the best we can do for now.