DownUnderwater Dan
I don't need a vaccine (am not against vaccines, but also never took influenza vaccines), I just want the life before march 2020 back. Fly around the world without any limitations. I am not afraid of getting ill. Sweden used the best policy. There is also written in several newspapers that the virus already mutated into mild(er). You also see it here, lot of (false) positives, but hospitals empty. I know people who are in riskgroups, but still want a normal life back and see it just as a minimal risk.
I don't know any person that got it and died. I only know 1 that got it, but he is already diving again. I think we must accept this small risk and restart the economics worldwide.
In my country is calculated that the years of life saved are 14.000 till 23.000, but the years lost are 100.000 till 400.000.
De andere rekening van de coronazorg: ‘Door uitgestelde zorg gingen 100 tot 400 duizend levensjaren verloren’
I think this is also the same in other countries. In Germany you had in may already more suicides than normally in 1 year. Also we see here patients that could not get helped with cancer and heartproblems that died because everything is corona. The balance is wrong I think.
I cannot wait till we can fly around the world without any limitation again. I have plans enough.
Bali is still on the list. But also Egypt, Mexico.
I couldn't agree more with your post!