There is no GF in your any compartment. There is current gas loading Pinsp at or below ambient pressure Pamb. As you ascend your ambient pressure goes down, causing the difference between Pamb and Pinsp to go up. Buhlmann's formula defines the maximum tolerable difference as "safe ascent ceiling".
With GFs, when you are on a no-stop dive, that ceiling is calculated by Buhlmann's formula times GF high. When there is a ceiling, it is calculated by Buhlmann's formula times GF low (at first deco stop). That's the "jump". When you hit 0 NDL, that's when the ceiling appears.
Not correct.
Every compartment has a GF. The GF of a compartment is the compartment's tissue pressure divided by the Pinsp (the inspired pressure of the specific inert gas in question), expressed as a percentage of the M-value for that compartment. That is not exactly right, but it gives the idea. When Ptissue and Pinsp are equal, there is no pressure gradient - the compartment is saturated - and the GF is 0. If you ascend until the ratio of Ptissue to Pinsp is half the M-value, then your GF is 50 (in that compartment). Again, not exactly, mathematically accurate, but conveys the idea.
The GF doesn't jump. The ceiling jumps - from 0 to 10', then to 20', and etc..
Also, it is common to have a ceiling while NDL is still greater than 0. At least with some computers. That is because your ceiling will go away before you reach it, presuming the expected ascent rate. Mandatory stops only appear when the ascent line would cross the line of the ceiling. It's easy to see in Subsurface (which is free, by the way) if you turn on the option in the planner to show the ceiling and then plan out some dives. Plan out 120' for 10 minutes, in Rec mode, on air, with GF50/80. You'll see there is a ceiling that appears after about 8 minutes or so. But, you don't quite run into it on the ascent. The ceiling maxes out around 11 feet, about 1 minute into your ascent. At that point, your leading compartment is off-gassing and the ceiling starts to reduce. Still no mandatory stop, though.
But, if you change your bottom time to 11 minutes, then you do intersect the ceiling before you get to the surface and so you get a stop (or, in this case, being in Rec mode, a warning that you are violating your ceiling).