Oily bikini lady in rebreather ad

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I found this appropriate to be posted in the women's views forum, on behalf of female divers.

Am I the only one to react on the "sexist" ad for KISS rebreathers that shows to the left on my screen now and then, here on Scubaboard? Some of you may have blocked flash ads, but it's the one with the bikini lady that seems to have oiled up plentyful before putting on the rebreather system, as if she was going diving like that.

Where I live, using half naked posing sexy girls in ads and commercials not related to the girls at all, the ads are clearly towards men, is inappropriate. -And sometimes against the law. But not on moral grounds. It is considered a sexist and disrespectful view on women in general.

So what do you think, ladies? Are the oiled up girls in car commercials and rebreather ads ok with you?

EDIT: Here's the ad I'm talking about

I also find it rather amusing that it seems to be appropriate to some to have the PICTURES available on the screen, but as soon as I make a comment on it in my signature, using the word t*ts, they report me with a complaint regarding bad language and "family values", but that's another funny story...

I am male, and even I find it repulsive. I worry that whenever it flashes on my computer at work that I am at risk for a sexual harassment charge for a hostile environment.

I wish Pete/ChmOfTheBoard would pull the ad, but I am sure KISS pays a lot for it.
Hmmm ... maybe not use your work computer would be a more sure way of ..
not getting a sexual harassment charge ...
not being offended

It's not porn, and she's a rebreather diver ...
I am male, and even I find it repulsive. I worry that whenever it flashes on my computer at work that I am at risk for a sexual harassment charge for a hostile environment.

I wish Pete/ChmOfTheBoard would pull the ad, but I am sure KISS pays a lot for it.
If I worked in a place that was so PC sensitive I would change jobs. For crying out loud it's a pair of b00bys! What is the big deal?:shakehead:
I am male, and even I find it repulsive. I worry that whenever it flashes on my computer at work that I am at risk for a sexual harassment charge for a hostile environment.

I wish Pete/ChmOfTheBoard would pull the ad, but I am sure KISS pays a lot for it.

Yet you were still drawn into clicking on and reading this thread by the subject of "Oily bikini lady in rebreather ad". :rofl3:
The ad does not do much for me so she has big boobs and all - the add is effective cause it got your attention. However, what I notice is the color banding. It sucks and really makes her look ugly. I am not sure who did the copy editing but they need a lesson in graphics.
Man...some of you must be really uptight...who gives a crap if she isnt wearing much. We were all born naked people....
I wish Pete/ChmOfTheBoard would pull the ad, but I am sure KISS pays a lot for it.
They pay; you play! It's not such a bad trade after all! :D

If I ever found scantily clad women wearing scuba gear offensive or disturbing, I certainly would NOT have become an instructor. For that matter, if I found scantily clad MEN disturbing, the same would be true. I mean H2Andy and his um, er, speedo has permanently seared my eyes. :11:
Dang. Are you all STILL talking about this? LOL
I found scantily clad MEN disturbing
I would like the record to note that I have long defended men with hairy backs and their right to wear whatever they like.

I never make fun of men in speedos, and find it somewhat worldy.

DB, I agree. (thanks for defending women's rights to look how we want and still be in an advertisement!)
Yet you were still drawn into clicking on and reading this thread by the subject of "Oily bikini lady in rebreather ad".

I was drawn to it because it was an issue and because I saw Kompressor's name, and he is a really cool dude.

And you are guilty of ASSUME-ing too much.:no

This model, by the way, dressed like this, detracts from the ad, not adds to it. Whoever thought of this ploy was not thinking too well.

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