Oily bikini lady in rebreather ad

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I have to completely agree with Thal.
Of course... why let a REAL diver influence you? Let's go for the cyber divers and hoakies insead.

This is a CLEAR message sent by the two of you: If you are attractive and comfortable in a bikini, you CAN NOT POSSIBLY be considered a competent diver! I find this attitude to be myopic, specious AND sexist.
Of course... why let a REAL diver influence you? Let's go for the cyber divers and hoakies insead.

This is a CLEAR message sent by the two of you: If you are attractive and comfortable in a bikini, you CAN NOT POSSIBLY be considered a competent diver! I find this attitude to be myopic, specious AND sexist.

Fascinating take.

I clearly did not like the ad. I did not like it because I thought it was a ploy because I thought the model was not particularly well dressed for scuba in a CCR.

If she had worn a wetsuit or drysuit, I most likely would have been attracted by her coy smile, and transferred that attraction to the KISS, which is what the ad agency surely intended.

I like bikinis on women (not on men), and I like G-strings on women (and not on men), and I don't like speedos on anybody. Although I believe that scuba should be done in dive skins at least.

So I am not sure how myopic or sexist emerges out of that, and I need to look up specious.

–adjective 1.apparently good or right though lacking real merit; superficially pleasing or plausible: specious arguments. 2.pleasing to the eye but deceptive. 3.Obsolete. pleasing to the eye; fair.
[Origin: 1350&#8211;1400; ME < L speci&#333;sus fair, good-looking, beautiful, equiv. to speci(és) (see species) + -&#333;sus -ous

Hmm ... I think the ad was specious. For sure.
So I am not sure how myopic or sexist emerges out of that, and I need to look up specious.
It's quite a common phenomenon: they don't scuba like you do, so they must be incompetent and not worthy of displaying gear. She lives where the waters are warm. There are MANY divers who don't wear a wetsuit while diving sub tropical waters: LIKE ME.

Yeah, it's easy to judge the instructor in the ad: she's not here defending herself. HOWEVER, when you are on the OTHER END of the criticism, it somehow becomes unfair. Yet you are not being judged by how you look: only by what you write.
It's quite a common phenomenon: they don't scuba like you do, so they must be incompetent and not worthy of displaying gear. She lives where the waters are warm. There are MANY divers who don't wear a wetsuit while diving sub tropical waters: LIKE ME.

Yeah, it's easy to judge the instructor in the ad: she's not here defending herself. HOWEVER, when you are on the OTHER END of the criticism, it somehow becomes unfair. Yet you are not being judged by how you look: only by what you write.

Fascinating. When I dive in the Florida Keys, I do see a lot of divers in swimsuits, true. I always figured that they simply don't like the feel of dive skins. A freedom thing.

When I see a rebreather, I think of depths in the range of 350 fsw to 500 fsw. The deco time would make a 3mm wetsuit the minimal exposure protection, and therefore the idea of someone in a bikini on a rebreather still seems like a ploy to me.

And then we get back to the same place. A bad ad.

I suppose that for me, Chickdiver would be credible in a CCR, even in a bikini. Maybe that is because I know of her, and because she helped me find V-Planner, which I live and breathe by.

Pete, maybe you can go over and get her to pose? :eyebrow:
Hey Pete, you got post 123 :D
When I see a rebreather, I think of depths in the range of 350 fsw to 500 fsw.
THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND REBREATHERS AT ALL! When I think of a rebreather I think of FUN. Look at the smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes! Now, you'll have to direct your eyes just a tad bit higher than whaere you are looking now, but she is having a GREAT time: it's her rebreather class! Jiminy, does diving have to be an ultra somber activity to legitimize it? Even ChickDiver admitted to wearing her bikini and a rebreather!

It's not jealousy is it??? :D :D :D
THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND REBREATHERS AT ALL! When I think of a rebreather I think of FUN. Look at the smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes! Now, you'll have to direct your eyes just a tad bit higher than whaere you are looking now, but she is having a GREAT time: it's her rebreather class! Jiminy, does diving have to be an ultra somber activity to legitimize it? Even ChickDiver admitted to wearing her bikini and a rebreather!

It's not jealousy is it??? :D :D :D

I think I would believe Chickdiver. But not anyone else. So I just don't believe the ad is credible.

And with Chickdiver, I would want to know which CCR it is.

Like I said, maybe you should get her to pose.
I think I would believe Chickdiver.
Then ask her how many 500 foot dives she has done in her rebreather. Go ahead. I'll wait!
I like the part where they've completely missed the points about her not being a model , but a rebreather diver, an instructor no less ...

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