this is true, but it obviously depends on where you are flying from..You can actually fly from places like Toronto to Cancun direct and then on to Belize on tropic air. I did that run a. few years ago when i took the family to cancun and then left them there for a week whilst i popped over to Belize for week on the aggressor. Any layover would be an issue though as you need the 72 hour Negative COVID test.
It all depends on where joe is flying from, but i suspect Joe is doing some furious research at the moment, not realizing that you are allowed to transit through the US as long as you can prove you are going on to a final 'non us' destination...
so hopefully this will be good news for Joe...
unless there is something joe isn't telling us... that may preclude from transiting through the US, Criminal record perhaps...but that wouldn't be specific to any COVID related issue.