Hi Pasley we must have past each other on the breakwall last night. We were just leaving about the time you started your dive. I have 2 divers on my boat and another boat had 3 divers that hit the wall before you so that is part of the reason why you did not see too many lobsters,also there is alot less lobsters coming out of there holes compared to last week.pasley:Date:13 Oct 04
Dive Location: King Harbor Outer Breakwall
Time:8:17 PM
Bottom Time: 54:40
Max Depth: 29 FSW
Vis: 20-30 feet of crystal clear water
Wave height: 1 foot with the occasional larger set
Temp at depth: 64 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 66 Suunto degrees
Tide information: HIGH 9:16 PM 5.8 feet Low tide 3:36 PM 0.3 feet
We ended up with 3 lobsters each on our boat.
Thanks for the report!