SITE: La Jolla Shores, Vallecitos
MAX DEPTH: 95 fsw
AVE DEPTH: 53 fsw
SURFACE TEMP: 70 ºF (Suunto)
BOTTOM TEMP: 64 ºF (Suunto)
Met up with John-Boy at Vallecitos at 6:30 AM and made a dive plan. A pair of divers had come out earlier and reported lots of surge and poor visibility. Nonetheless, John and I geared up and headed into the surf which came in quick sets and ranged from 2-4'. From our drop point at the edge of the canyon we could clearly see the bottom (~30 fsw) - this was going to be a good dive! We dropped in and descended into the canyon, passing a thermocline at about 40 fsw, and made a left to explore the south end when a cormorant suddenly appeared in front of us chasing what looked to be a surf perch. The surf perch quickly ducked into a hole at the top of the wall with the cormorant in full pursuit - the cormorant aggressively hunted the fish in the hole until it got a good grip and then headed back up to the surface. Upon looking at our computers we realized we were at 80 fsw! I've heard of them diving that deep before, but to see it happen right in front of your eyes was something special! We continued south along the walls, saw a very large male Sheephead, some large females, many bass (Kelp and Sandbarred), a school of juvenile Senoritas, a large Ocean Whitefish along with some smaller ones, Blacksmiths, etc. At our turnaround we headed up the canyon slope and worked our way northeast to hit our exit point. At 57 fsw I looked up and I could clearly see the sun playing in the ripples on the surface - vertical visibility was great. As we headed closer to shore the surge did pick up although the visibility never really dropped to the 5' that I had heard about prior to the dive. We surfaced when we hit 5 fsw, ducked under a few waves, removed our fins and leisurely walked back to the Vallecitos restrooms to rinse off. All in all a great dive, especially to start the day (when isn't a dive a good way to start a day?).