Date: 30 Oct 04 WRINKLES DIVE
Dive Location: VAllecitos Point
Time: 07:44 AM
Bottom Time: 44:20
Max Depth: 94 FSW
Vis: 10-15, better in some spots
Wave height: 1 foot or so.
Temp at depth: 64 SUUNTO Degrees
Surface Temp: 64 SUUNTO Degrees
Tide information: LOW 4:60 AM 2.2 Ft 5:40 PM 0.0 Feet HIGH 10:23 AM 5.9 Ft
Wrinkles Dive, wow, what a crowd and a great dive. Went out with Wrinkles and gang to tour the South Wall. It certainly is a wall. We dropped down right onto the edge of the wall and toured around. Spotted pipe fish, lobsters, large Sheepshead, gobies, crab etc.
Date: 30 Oct 04 WRINKLES DIVE
Dive Location: Way North Wall LaJolla Canyon
Time: 11:13 AM
Bottom Time: 60:50
Max Depth: 94 FSW
Vis: 10-15, better in some spots
Wave height: 1 foot or so.
Temp at depth: 64 SUUNTO Degrees
Surface Temp: 64 SUUNTO Degrees
Tide information: LOW 4:60 AM 2.2 Ft 5:40 PM 0.0 Feet HIGH 10:23 AM 5.9 Ft
Comments: Wrinkles dive. Swam out to the north wall, across the canyon to the far wall. Dropped down right on the edge. Is that portable depth finder neat or what? Saw a lot more life here than at the South wall. Lots of small fish and bigger ones too.
I had signaled I was my buddies when I had 4 minutes of NDL on the first dive. As we ascended I got more bottom time and I felt like I had ended the dive too soon. I dive a Cobra with it set on P2 (Super Chicken

). So this time I waited until I had 2 minutes of NDL left before I signaled my dive buddies. We started our swim back and our ascent up immediately. Taking our time and coming up real slow.
Well it appears I waited too long and ascended too slow, becaus as we ascended instead of getting more bottom time, I got more ascent time. Bottom line, my computer was telling me I had 19 minutes of ascent time (which includes the 3minute safety stop and ascent at 30 feet a minute and any deco obligation). Unfortunately it was also telling me I had 17 minutes of air time left. :11: So I got to spend 20 minutes between 20-10 feet off gassing as we swam in. When we hit the 10 foot mark, indicated by my head digging into the sand at 10 feet as I still had a 10 Foot Ceiling on my dive and 9 minutes of deco to do. I had to stop and wait on the clock for 9 long minutes with a computer telling me the last 2 minutes were going to be rather long without air! :scared: I certainly got to check my weighting as I sat there at 10 feet. I should have gone back to 15 feet and made it easier on myself. My dive buddies stayed right with me. But at the end they were keeping an eye on me from the surface due to their own air or bottom time situations. Of course, we all know the SUUNTO has lots of safety margin built in and the zero air time remaining is calculated to leave you enough for a safety stop. So when my remaining air time hit 0 minutes left, I still had 500 PSI in the tank. My remainig air also recalculates based on what I am doing, so the remaining air time hit zero with a little over 1 minute of safety (deco) stop remaining. So there I sat for 1 minute using my 500 PSI from the safety bank and surfaced with 490 PSI in the tank. When the timer hit zero on the safety stop I waited a little bit and then took 30 seconds to surface the last 10 feet. Sometimes it pays to be a conservative breather.
This was one not one of my better executed dives and one of those circumstances that should not have happened and entirely my fault. It is also nice to know your dive buddies will stay with you in a pinch and I had picked well on this dive 3 great buddies. I elected to sit out the next dive and eventually called it a day as all the remaining planned dives were also to 90-100 FSW and my bottom time would be short due to the previous days dives. Still not a bad day of diving and 60:50 minutes on an AL80 tank to 94 feet is not a bad dive.