Abridged version was a good synopsis. I was too tired after dinner to even log on and give an abridged version!mccabejc:Too tired to post a real dive report, but here's the abriged version:
Headhunter and I dove once yesterday afternoon, and twice today at Shaw's with ScotM. Overall, conditions were great this morning (15-20 ft viz). Water was very warm both days (high 60's), a little warmer today. On the second dive today conditions deteriorated a bit (5-10 ft, maybe more, but sandy/murky). 3-4 ft. waves, but a long time between sets, so entry/exit was easy. Tide was about +6ft. at around 11am, and there wasn't much beach available to sit on. This afternoon after the second dive, around 3pm, the sun came out and it was superb. Tide was very low, and all the rocks were exposed. And best of all my honey was waiting with turkey and cheese sandwiches on big soft chewy hardrollsBest sandwich I've ever had in my entire life.
Parking was no problem either day, throughout the day.
Wonderful day, ideal conditions, excellent dive buddies. By the way, as a public service to the SoCal members of this board, Headhunter and I can confirm that there is NO reef about 1/2 mile (or was it a mile?) directly off the shore of Shaw's Cove.
On the second dive, I took Jim back into the swim through to show him a crevice in the middle that you can only see with a light and there was an entire school of black croakers in the crevice with more lobsters than you could shake a stick at. The surge and current were, so strong this time that we decided to change our plan of swimming all the way through to Crescent Bay. To get to that crevice was hard work. I figured that the other side wasn't going to be a good idea.
So, we followed the reef out and around into Crescent Bay, but got a little turned around on the way back. We knew that we were not were we thought we were when we heard boats going over head. We started heading north toward the beach and surfaced with about 500 lbs. to find that we were still over 1/2 mile out. Long surface swim to finish up the day.
I wanted to quickly add something to Jim's abridged version before I ran out the door to my network security class. One of us will post a "proper" report later.
Bottom line: It was a fantastic day to dive and diving with ScottM and Jim was great! Great vis which decreased a bit on the second dive.