Not everyone thinks cave diving is the pinnacle of SCUBA!

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Give it about a month, then I'll run my CTR commercial to counter. Shall we buy a private island on which to retire?
Give it about a month, then I'll run my CTR commercial to counter. Shall we buy a private island on which to retire?
There is an Island off of Florida called Palm Beach.....some "kind of rich" people live there..... So we buy Palm Beach, and they will have to move to Boca Raton :)
Gentlemen, we are on to something!!!!!
I'm underwater doing my thing and you start coming up, waving at me then pulling at me, I'd get a might upset. If you don't stop, I'm going to assume that you're trying to kill me underwater and I'll respond in kind. You ain't the police. You ain't security hired on by the site owner. You ain't gonna be touchin' me without repercussion. It's that simple.

Well... compared to this attitude, snotty cave divers are starting to smell like roses....

It makes me wonder what happens when you're behind the wheel of a car... My guess is this is more than just a cyberspace-judge-dread persona and I'm guessing that it's an endless adventure being in a car with you. :shakehead:

I honestly hope that I never get in a situation where someone becomes belligerent if for some reason they're doing something so toe-curling that I feel compelled to intervene for their safety.

I honestly hope that I never get in a situation where someone becomes belligerent if for some reason they're doing something so toe-curling that I feel compelled to intervene for their safety.

If you keep your hands to yourself absent legal justification for you to do otherwise, you'll never have to find out. See how simple that is?
On the issue of missing body retrieval, authorities pretty much have to go get them, to confirm cause of death, examine for evidence of foul play (such as murder by buddy!), etc... Otherwise seems like letting the eels or what-have-you eat the body would be okay.


Authorities rarely have the skill set to go retrieve the body ... they have to rely on volunteers who are, um ... cave divers ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
The dead body part is a lot worse than some of the posters here think....seeing one is bad enough, but collecting it on the bottom is even worse...
BM-BBag-2.jpgUnderwater body bag
This thread has given me an idea. I am going to make a diver recovery kit. It will be mainly for scooter divers. If you should happen to see a diver in a cave that should not be there, you attach my recovery strap to the yoke of the tank of the diver as you scooter past them. The other end attaches to your butt dring or your crotch strap dring. The length of the leash will be long enough to keep you out of 6" pig sticker range. The dumb ass is safe, and you are not assaulted. Both win.

I shall call it RADAR. Recover a dumb ass rope.

James, you are awesome.
I carry an SPP-1 underwater pistol with me during any cavern dives. I have to look after my own safety and keep my second amendment rights intact, The constitution does not get torn up just because Im 100 feet underwater.

I also think we should have armed Scuba police at the entrance to the busier caves, checking suitability of entering divers.

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