Not everyone thinks cave diving is the pinnacle of SCUBA!

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If you don't stop, I'm going to assume that you're trying to kill me underwater and I'll respond in kind. You ain't gonna be touchin' me without repercussion. It's that simple.

In summary, we've established that no one wants to be physically removed. Accordingly, we should simply let the divers run out of gas and drown. Grim as it is, it kinda works as divers who ultimately recover bodies generally get Good-Samaritan protection. Everybody wins.
Unlike the ocean where no one can deny access if divers began dieing in record numbers....lots of cave deaths would mean insurance and liability issues for the landowner ( of cave), and the caves would be closed to all when insurance was no longer least this seems to be aN IMPORTANT consideration to me...

So if you let several clueless just die, you may in fact, be responsible for the lack of access to the cave that could follow.
Unlike the ocean where no one can deny access if divers began dieing in record numbers....lots of cave deaths would mean insurance and liability issues for the landowner ( of cave), and the caves would be closed to all when insurance was no longer least this seems to be aN IMPORTANT consideration to me...

So if you let several clueless just die, you may in fact, be responsible for the lack of access to the cave that could follow.

Beyond that, prior to dying, an untrained/unskilled yahoo entering a cave (with or without a 6" pig-sticker) can silt a system out quite easily, rendering it dangerous for others as well.
This thread has given me an idea. I am going to make a diver recovery kit. It will be mainly for scooter divers. If you should happen to see a diver in a cave that should not be there, you attach my recovery strap to the yoke of the tank of the diver as you scooter past them. The other end attaches to your butt dring or your crotch strap dring. The length of the leash will be long enough to keep you out of 6" pig sticker range. The dumb ass is safe, and you are not assaulted. Both win.

I shall call it RADAR. Recover a dumb ass rope.
This thread has given me an idea. I am going to make a diver recovery kit. It will be mainly for scooter divers. If you should happen to see a diver in a cave that should not be there, you attach my recovery strap to the yoke of the tank of the diver as you scooter past them. The other end attaches to your butt dring or your crotch strap dring. The length of the leash will be long enough to keep you out of 6" pig sticker range. The dumb ass is safe, and you are not assaulted. Both win.

I shall call it RADAR. Recover a dumb ass rope.

Major problem with this. It is only effective if the scootering diver is EXITING the system. Though, I guess that really depends on how one defines "effective" in this case.

This thread has given me an idea. I am going to make a diver recovery kit. It will be mainly for scooter divers. If you should happen to see a diver in a cave that should not be there, you attach my recovery strap to the yoke of the tank of the diver as you scooter past them. The other end attaches to your butt dring or your crotch strap dring. The length of the leash will be long enough to keep you out of 6" pig sticker range. The dumb ass is safe, and you are not assaulted. Both win.

I shall call it RADAR. Recover a dumb ass rope.

Do it. Then, I can make a fortune selling a CTR kit to untrained cave divers. The CTR (Cut the Rope) kit would consist of a 6" pig sticker and instructions on how to use it.
Do it. Then, I can make a fortune selling a CTR kit to untrained cave divers. The CTR (Cut the Rope) kit would consist of a 6" pig sticker and instructions on how to use it.

Working together! Hell yeah I like it. Then i can design a better rope, and you can wait a few months and design a better cutter!!!! We shall make millions and rule the world!!! Muhahahaha!
I want the Video rights !! :)

You can video our commercials. I can see it now.

"Has this ever happened to you? You are enjoying a leisurely cave dive, and upon exit you notice something is not right. Then you see it. Open water divers trying their damnedest to commit suicide! Until now you had to pull them out and risk being stuck with a dive machete. Well not anymore!!!!!!! Not with RADAR! Simply hook up, and tow them out. Call now an we will even include, at no charge, our newest product, RADAR deco buddy. This revolutionary product allows you to place a net around your captured diver, anchor them to the rock, and safely complete and deco obligation you have. Call now!"

Rich I tell you! RICH!!!!!

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