Not everyone thinks cave diving is the pinnacle of SCUBA!

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I'm going to make a version with a blue H on it... and sell it for twice as much as yours!

Too late. I am already in talks with "H" and we are working a deal on a DIR version. I can't give away too much info, but can say it has a redundant hook system.

---------- Post added February 23rd, 2013 at 10:55 PM ----------

Dale, you have it wrong. Mike was the cave diver fighting of the knife wielding OW diver. The zombie diver is an OW diver that ventured ok too far underground. He is related to the Telford Monster and the JB Carp.
My R&D guys are developing a "Homing Pig Sticker" that is self propelled and computer guided. The results look promising.
How will the RADAR fare against a 7 or even 8" pig sticker?
How will the RADAR fare against a 7 or even 8" pig sticker?

You'll probably want the "RADAR PRO EDITION" when diving those extreme conditions lol

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Your gonna need some ID to go with the new job descriptions:

I think that this thread has taken an adverse path. I use to dive the caves in Okinawa, I was certified DM as well as MSD with over 200 dives under my weight belt. I took risk that I even did not know existed. I lost a fellow Marine...I was not on the dive with him but he is dead none the less. So I got away with a lot of careless / reckless diving. Not everyone will and some will be a statistic. I took the class and have not looked back. I still miss my friend but I am always wanting to assist others in creating a better experience. I will take on another approach to what others have said, why not just sign up for a class and see what it is all about? It just gets better past the cavern.
My R&D guys are developing a "Homing Pig Sticker" that is self propelled and computer guided. The results look promising.

Good good good. This will give me the ammo I need to go to the BOD with my countermeasures plan.

---------- Post added February 24th, 2013 at 06:07 AM ----------

How will the RADAR fare against a 7 or even 8" pig sticker?

Both the RADAR pro edition, as mentioned above, and the DIR version will offer that protection from "strokes with longer pokes"

---------- Post added February 24th, 2013 at 06:08 AM ----------

Your gonna need some ID to go with the new job descriptions:

View attachment 148527

Excellent thoughts Dale. I will implement that.

---------- Post added February 24th, 2013 at 06:09 AM ----------

I think that this thread has taken an adverse path. I use to dive the caves in Okinawa, I was certified DM as well as MSD with over 200 dives under my weight belt. I took risk that I even did not know existed. I lost a fellow Marine...I was not on the dive with him but he is dead none the less. So I got away with a lot of careless / reckless diving. Not everyone will and some will be a statistic. I took the class and have not looked back. I still miss my friend but I am always wanting to assist others in creating a better experience. I will take on another approach to what others have said, why not just sign up for a class and see what it is all about? It just gets better past the cavern.

Way to go Tony. Ruin a thread that I had taken much time to so expertly hijack! Had to bring it back on topic. SMH.

However, sorry about your Marine, and you make great points. Why not just get the training.
I had absolutely no intention of becoming a cave diver. I took the cave class for one simple reason; to improve my diving skills. I had no idea that I would actually enjoy looking at wet rocks so much.

I had previously been accused of silting out the ocean, now I am am only accused of silting out the wrecks.
Okay this thread has gotten way off track and I think my intentions are a bit misunderstood here. I was never advocating that it is okay for an OW diver to enter a cave or cavern. Like I said- I am cavern certified and was being blocked from entering the cavern. That is what angered me.

In all of my classes that I have ever taken I was taught that panicked out of air divers will come up and grab a regulator out of your mouth and that this struggle could lead to both of you drowning. If someone simply started to manhandle me underwater my first instinct would be to think that this is what is happening. Not saying that I would knife you but I might pull your mask and fight to swim away. If you want to get my attention then wave your light at me and use a slate or signals.

I understand that you want to keep people safe and that deaths of one effect everyone. I keep and breed venomous snakes and there are already laws in place that have essentially banned this in my state now because of idiots exceeding their training. I know what it is like when you see someone untrained.

Some people have mentioned that wreck divers or divemasters on a boat are jerks too. I will not disagree with you there- all types of people can be genuine a-holes at times. I am just pointing out that the elitism that accompanies cave divers tends to be much more prevalent.

Another few examples that I have heard from friends while discussing this topic-
An OW friend of mine has a spare air because it makes him feel safer and allows him a safe ascent from the shallow waters that he usually dives. A cave diver literally laughed about him carrying it and then said that he was stupid for buying it.
In manatee springs an OW instructor friend of mine asked if an obviously winded cave diver was okay or needed help after she re-surfaced with her buddy after a few minutes. Without knowing the exact transgression of the conversation I know that it ended with her using the phrase "stupid split-fin instructor".

And I have heard many more similar stories and have had many similar experiences...
Okay this thread has gotten way off track and I think my intentions are a bit misunderstood here. I was never advocating that it is okay for an OW diver to enter a cave or cavern. Like I said- I am cavern certified and was being blocked from entering the cavern. That is what angered me.

In all of my classes that I have ever taken I was taught that panicked out of air divers will come up and grab a regulator out of your mouth and that this struggle could lead to both of you drowning. If someone simply started to manhandle me underwater my first instinct would be to think that this is what is happening. Not saying that I would knife you but I might pull your mask and fight to swim away. If you want to get my attention then wave your light at me and use a slate or signals.

I understand that you want to keep people safe and that deaths of one effect everyone. I keep and breed venomous snakes and there are already laws in place that have essentially banned this in my state now because of idiots exceeding their training. I know what it is like when you see someone untrained.

Some people have mentioned that wreck divers or divemasters on a boat are jerks too. I will not disagree with you there- all types of people can be genuine a-holes at times. I am just pointing out that the elitism that accompanies cave divers tends to be much more prevalent.

Another few examples that I have heard from friends while discussing this topic-
An OW friend of mine has a spare air because it makes him feel safer and allows him a safe ascent from the shallow waters that he usually dives. A cave diver literally laughed about him carrying it and then said that he was stupid for buying it.
In manatee springs an OW instructor friend of mine asked if an obviously winded cave diver was okay or needed help after she re-surfaced with her buddy after a few minutes. Without knowing the exact transgression of the conversation I know that it ended with her using the phrase "stupid split-fin instructor".

And I have heard many more similar stories and have had many similar experiences...

I don't think it is fair to say that cave divers have an eliteism attitude. I do not say this because I am a cave diver.

There is definitely both a skill set and knowledge base that comes from advanced training. It does not matter if it is a cave course, trimix course, or the almighty Rebreather course. there will always be people who think that they are superior and will look down upon others. it does not make any difference what venue we speak of, it happens. There will also be times when things are either taken out of context or misunderstood.

For what it is worth, I used to dive with a spare air and used split fins too. I once asked a technical diver a question and he prompmtly told me "take the class to learn it". I still think that guy is a "six foot penis with ears", but that does not make me think that most tech divers are like him. Later in life when I was diving my rebreather on a boat with him. He asked me a question and guess what my reply was. I realized that was was just being spitefully and returned to answer his question.

I have found that most cave/tech divers are very happy to talk about what they do and answer questions to help others. They tend to offer assistance when needed or asked and for the most part are just all around good people. I am sorry for your bad experiences. I will not condone that the use of name calling should be acceptable though.

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