Not certified and still diving? How???

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Ridiculous moderation. Yet again stifles debate.
As I read threads I always look at the avitars of the posters. I continue to see a lot of posters with the "Logged dives: None, not certified" under their avitar, yet they post that they have completed 500, 1,000, or more dives. I understand that being certified in SCUBA has drastically changed a lot over the years, but by today's standards how is this still possible? Don't you have to present your C card when you dive at certain places and with charters??:confused:
fact is some places don't ask for c card, at least where I've had fills. Also some, I know of one personally that went thru class passed skills sets, but instructor didn't give him his card because in her personal opinion was unsafe. But he's still trained and able to dive as there's no legal barrier to prevent him, and perhaps another instructor would given him his card.
I was diving, had a compressor and owned a dive shop years before I was certified.
I still dive occasionally with two old school divers who have over 1,000 dives and have still never been certified. They were diving long before PADI and NAUI (although probably not BSAC) were a blink in anyone's eye, and you had to fill your scuba tanks at industrial gas suppliers. Being old and stubborn, they are not likely to change. They are also excellent divers, with 40+ years experience. My Dad only got certified reluctantly after diving for about 30 years because I wanted to dive during a trip to Australia and I was still only a junior open water diver back then, so I needed an adult buddy.

As has often been remarked on SB: "there are no scuba police."
As I read threads I always look at the avitars of the posters. I continue to see a lot of posters with the "Logged dives: None, not certified" under their avitar, yet they post that they have completed 500, 1,000, or more dives. I understand that being certified in SCUBA has drastically changed a lot over the years, but by today's standards how is this still possible? Don't you have to present your C card when you dive at certain places and with charters??:confused:

It is easy, compressors are not that expensive, many people live where they can use their own boat or have access to shore diving or both. I know of many who have spent a lifetime diving and have never been "certified" or any other silly crap.

The modern certification programs are merely a consumerist engine for deriving cash flow. The courses themselves are largely without merit.

It is a big error on their part OR their reading comprehension is almost zero.......
One could also say that they're Cyber Divers, just pretending to be divers on the internet... :D

There is no such thing as a "cyber diver." The correct term is Intertube Quarry Comando
As I understand it you can buy all your gear regardless of your certification level, thanks to the internet or even at dive shops, the only thing you cant do is get tanks filled, however you can get the air compressor to fill your own tanks.... which can run you several thousand dollars (I just Googled the price). So even money wise its just cheaper to get certified.

Offcourse you can,otherwise your grandparents wouldn't be able to buy you dive gear for x-mass.

Ridiculous moderation. Yet again stifles debate.

Nope SB has rules telling us all not to advocate stupid practisis.
So when someone says go dive and don't bother with a cert. We delete it and you'll get a nasty PM :D

I still dive occasionally with two old school divers who have over 1,000 dives and have still never been certified. They were diving long before PADI and NAUI (although probably not BSAC) were a blink in anyone's eye, and you had to fill your scuba tanks at industrial gas suppliers. Being old and stubborn, they are not likely to change. They are also excellent divers, with 40+ years experience. My Dad only got certified reluctantly after diving for about 30 years because I wanted to dive during a trip to Australia and I was still only a junior open water diver back then, so I needed an adult buddy.

As has often been remarked on SB: "there are no scuba police."

And most likely they are VERY good divers.In the "old"days there was no such thing as a cert.should we now forbid the "inventors"of scuba not to dive.:confused:
No way,they are most likely safer divers then you and me.
Another question,who would dive with a newer diver without certification,I am not talking about the old timers with many dives under their belt,but someone new with very few dives but refuses to get any training? I have a friend like that,he says I can learn from you,I say I am not a instructor and do not want the liability.
Ridiculous moderation. Yet again stifles debate.

I applaud the moderator for stepping in with the reminder. While free speech is encouraged, yelling fire in a crowded room is not acceptable either. Free speech comes with responsibility. The thread was not terminated, just guided away from moving into a dangerous direction. There are people who were and are diving before agencies were even thought of. I imagine that there were several reasons that brought about the creation of such a thing as a "scuba diving agency". Money is always a motivating factor. I imagine safety was one as well. Cave diving, a sport I love dearly, was almost outlawed in Florida because of increasing deaths, and a lack of an organized training program. Without such moderation scuba diving in general may suffer a similar fate. There are several practical reason for being formally trained. This is not an issue of whether or not one can dive without training, but SHOULD one be diving without certification, especially those that are new to the sport. I am glad that someone is moderating the threads to make sure that free speech is tempered with responsibility.

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