(No) Oil in the Keys

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Well, headed to Marathon this weekend coming up. Will keep everyone posted... Pray there is nothing bad to post...
I spent the last 10 days in the Tortugas. No oil there.
I made five dives between 25 and 100 feet with Dive Duck Key this weekend and didn't see any sign of oil. Water was warm, the fish plentiful, and vis was between 40 and 50feet...not bad for a weekend with 15-20 knot winds. If it was me, I wouldn't cancel my trip to Florida just yet...it'll be a while before negative effects show up down there.
I can't believe some of you sitting over there in Florida criticizing our state. You folks are seeing this on TV. I, and my fellow citizens of Louisiana are seeing this with our own eyes. . I hope and pray every single day, not only for our shrimpers and fishermen who will lose their way of life over this, not only for the millions of animals on land and sea off our cost that will be killed....I also pray for the Keys. I love going to the Keys at least twice a year. And it's even more precious to me now that we won't have an abundant, thriving coast here in Louisiana. We will be left with a cesspool of death and decay.

Before you shamefully accuse us of "angling for federal money" you should come visit us first. We'll take you down to our coast and show you your worst nightmare. You folks saying these things must be Yankees pretending to be conchs. Homegrown conchs know how precious our shared gulf coast is to all of us and fully understand the magnitude of this monster (and it's staring the Keys right in the eyeballs).

By the way, for all of Louisiana's "angling for federal money" we must really suck at it. We still have more neighborhoods in New Orleans that look like a nuclear war zone than we have with people living it them. You think the feds would let 60% of Miami look like that five years after a Katrina? Not with all those votes down there deciding presidential elections. So please, lay off. We don't have Florida's wealth or political power. All we have is a unique way of life. And now part of that is being destroyed as well.
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I can't believe some of you sitting over there in Florida criticizing our state. You folks are seeing this on TV. I, and my fellow citizens of Louisiana are seeing this with our own eyes. . I hope and pray every single day, not only for our shrimpers and fishermen who will lose their way of life over this, not only for the millions of animals on land and sea off our cost that will be killed....I also pray for the Keys. I love going to the Keys at least twice a year. And it's even more precious to me now that we won't have an abundant, thriving coast here in Louisiana. We will be left with a cesspool of death and decay.

Before you shamefully accuse us of "angling for federal money" you should come visit us first. We'll take you down to our coast and show you your worst nightmare. You folks saying these things must be Yankees pretending to be conchs. Homegrown conchs know how precious our shared gulf coast is to all of us and fully understand the magnitude of this monster (and it's staring the Keys right in the eyeballs).

By the way, for all of Louisiana's "angling for federal money" we must really suck at it. We still have more neighborhoods in New Orleans that look like a nuclear war zone than we have with people living it them. You think the feds would let 60% of Miami look like that five years after a Katrina? Not with all those votes down there deciding presidential elections. So please, lay off. We don't have Florida's wealth or political power. All we have is a unique way of life. And now part of that is being destroyed as well.

For what it's worth, I really don't think anyone was criticizing Louisiana as a whole or the people of Louisiana, but the politics of Louisiana. I travel to Louisiana annually on business and thoroughly enjoy your state, that said, from a political standpoint Louisiana is a well known train wreck.

We all sincerely hope this spill is capped soon and the cleanup is as prompt as possible for all areas that have been effected by this tragedy.
You folks saying these things must be Yankees pretending to be conchs.

Oh, and as for the accusation that we all must be Yankees, not that it should make any difference, I'm a Floridian born and raised in the great state of Georgia. You do know the south lost that whole civil war thing....don't you?
Oh, and as for the accusation that we all must be Yankees, not that it should make any difference, I'm a Floridian born and raised in the great state of Georgia. You do know the south lost that whole civil war thing....don't you?

And us southerners keep re enacting that civil war, hoping for a different result:rofl3:
You do know the south lost that whole civil war thing....don't you?

Man, even us carpetbaggers have learned to call it the war of northern aggression, when we're in public. We still snicker in private.
On a lighter an friendlier note, we dove Molasses and French reef. We also headed offshore following a pod of Dolphin. Viz was over 100 and NO OIL!

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